Redefine Your Skin!
Suzanne Truitt
Get the BEST SKIN of your life w/science based, clinically proven, guaranteed skincare.
Wow! I love this post from fellow consultant, Heather Wick! 2 months on our Redefine AMP MD Special and looking SIMPLY GORGEOUS!!! "I don't always feel my age, but a few months ago I looked in the mirror and was horrified that I LOOKED my age and then some! My wonderful friend Dalene introduced me to Rodan & Fields skin care and I will never be able to thank her enough! This is a 2 month before and after pic in the same lighting with the same camera and ZERO makeup! My skin is bright and clear and smooth! Good bye dullness and wrinkles! This is a product I believe in 100% and had to share about! If you are seeing the effects of time and life on your skin and you want to erase it, message me so I can tell you more about it! Ps. I know, I know, the pic on the left is so bad and embarrassing but it shows how well this stuff works!"
#keepcalmandloveyourskin #Rodanandfields #nothingtolosebutyourwrinkles