The REDD+ Resource | Volume 2
In this issue, the first of the year, we highlight the launch of a new UN-REDD report titled "Comparative study of carbon rights in the context of jurisdictional REDD+". The report, which gathers findings from Asia-Pacific, Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean, identifies trends and provides recommendations on how countries can improve their legislation
This edition also delves into several innovative solutions to put forests at the forefront. It includes 10 essential tips that countries and jurisdictions can follow to get right the nesting of REDD+ initiatives and the learnings from a series of dialogues about strengthening financing for forests
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Comparative Study of Carbon Rights in the Context of Jurisdictional REDD+.
REDD+ payments must be shared fairly.
A new UN-REDD report highlights the need for legal clarity on who owns emission reductions and who is entitled to benefit from those payments. It sets out the progress made and legal solutions found by more than 20 countries in Africa, Asia-Pacific and Latin America, as well as mechanisms for distributing results-based payments
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