The REDD+ Resource

The REDD+ Resource

In the first edition of the LinkedIn REDD+ Resource, we focus on the pressing emissions challenge and the harm caused by carbon emissions. Achieving the Paris Agreement's 1.5°C goal by 2030 necessitates a 45% reduction in emissions, with a 30% reduction needed for staying well below 2°C. Forests play a crucial role, potentially reducing emissions by up to 4 gigatonnes, especially tropical rainforests like the Amazon.

We also cover the Amazon summit's outcomes, exploring their potential to drive greater climate action in the region and globally. Expert insights discuss the importance of safeguards, women's involvement in monitoring and carbon markets, sustainable finance, and the role of high-integrity carbon markets in addressing the finance-emissions gap. We showcase Chile's forest protection efforts as a model for emission reduction with integrity. Finally, we celebrate the dedication of a Ghanaian forest ranger to preserving our precious forests.

Featured Stories

Amazon Summit: Shaping a Common Vision for the Region's Future

"This is a historic meeting. It will mark a turning point in the history of the protection of the Amazon" declared Brazilian President Luis Inacio “Lula” Da Silva before opening the first Amazon Summit in 14 years.

The eight-nation group was created in 1995 by the South American countries that share the Amazon basin: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela.

On August 8 and 9, the Brazilian government received more than a dozen heads of state or government representatives, mainly from South America, as well as authorities from Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean. The summit was considered part of the resumption of public policies for the Amazon region.

Read the full story here.

Guarding Ghana's green legacy: Lizzie Bekoe's stewardship of Apedwa Forest Reserve.

In the eastern region of Ghana, a nation teeming with vibrant and robust ecosystems sits the Apedwa Forest Reserve. This small 4 km2 expanse of wilderness serves as the heart of biodiversity in the region. At the helm of managing this critical reserve, ensuring its flourishing and safeguarding its inhabitants, is a remarkably passionate woman, Lizzie Bekoe.

Read the full story here.

Timber and Rubber Finance in the Lower Mekong Region

The pulp and paper, timber, and rubber companies in the Lower Mekong Region face a pervasive risk of involvement in deforestation, human rights violations, and other unsustainable practices in their operations and supply chains. To mitigate this risk, companies and the financial sector must be aware of the harm associated with financing activities that negatively impact natural capital and recognize the benefits of preventing such destruction. ?

Read the full story here.

Discover More Stories

  1. Lessons from a REDD+ pioneer country: Chile’s strategy, benefit sharing and forest finance under the Paris Agreement?
  2. Regional Exchange on Safeguards and Integrity in LAC
  3. Improving women’s access to forest monitoring
  4. Regional Forum on Climate Finance for Forests held in Costa Rica
  5. Exploring carbon markets: Perspectives from Costa Rica’s Climate and Forest Finance Forum
  6. Listening to women’s voices: UN-REDD efforts to integrate women’s perspectives into the Voluntary Carbon Market
  7. Exploring the interplay of food and forests: Insights from the UN Food Systems Summit
  8. The value of preserving tropical peatlands

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