The Redcoats Are Coming...Again?
Daniel Mee
ADBTraining? Law Enforcement Training Co-Owner II Police Sergeant II Consultant II Leadership is a Lifestyle
America is the world's bastion of freedom, the likes of which has never before been realized. There are, however, forces currently making every attempt to erode these wonderous ideals. From far and wide, home and abroad, entities and individuals are gaining ground in the field of breaking down our God given right to be free. America cannot let this happen. We must remain the beacon of light for civilization with an unrelenting resolve to douse the flames of those who desire nothing more than to burn it all down.
The authorities in England are beginning to sound the alarm over social media comments that they determine to be unlawful. Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley stated that anyone "whipping up the hatred" will be arrested and tried for these crimes. He goes on to explain how American citizens can be extradited to Great Britian. The explanation is not really clear on what "hatred" is but apparently the threshold is pretty low. The words "insulting" and "abusive" were mentioned as examples. The current freedom grab is rooted in protests going on over there regarding a triple murder of three (3) young women and the wounding of several others at a dance party. Rumors, innuendos, and suspicion are filling the English streets with the blame being moved from the actual murderer, a 17-year-old male whose parents immigrated from Rwanda to the outraged citizenry. The residents were rightfully upset with this heinous crime and began to speak out about it. The situation has since devolved into violent chaos with armed counter protestors walking the streets, in view of and unimpeded by, uniformed officers.
The American criminal justice system is the most fair, sincere, and thorough in the history of humanity. Yes, there are flaws. Perfection is God's work. We are, at least until Sir Mark Rowley became the Supreme Leader, allowed to say pretty much whatever one decides. Of course, no yelling fire in theaters or threatening to actually harm someone. Common sense is part and parcel to our way of life. The act of conducting an arrest for someone expressing their thoughts and feelings is a dark cavern we best not travel into.
Law Enforcement in America has been and always will be present to defend the individual's right to say what they want. Personally, I have been threatened hundreds of times both in my personal as well as professional life as a Police Sergeant. Over the course of twenty plus years as a public servant I have made countless arrests. This is not to be braggadocios. It is to be clear that out of all those criminal offenses there was one time...ONE TIME where I conducted an arrest for someone threatening me.
The offender had just stuck a gun in the mouth of a disabled Vietnam Veteran, robbing him of about $20 USC. He called 911 and upon arrival I saw how distressed he was. He was partially blind and bound to a wheelchair. Now I knew this man from the area I patrolled. Sitting on his porch, watching cars roll down Broad St. was his daily routine. Never bothered a soul. Well, the gentle downstairs neighbor who refused to participate in a productive life decided to attack this old fella. After we caught the offender, he did what many do...threaten uniformed Police Officers. Normally, I laugh and disregard the comments. This time was different. I wrote the comment down in my arrest paperwork.
Remember when I said about the criminal justice system being fair? Well, all good things come to those who wait. While the young man who was "getting his life together" and "going back to school" (as his defense attorney put it) was on trial a funny thing happened. The judge found the best and brightest of the community not guilty on all charges...sans one. Now, I'd love to tell you this was my master plan but, in all honesty, it was! I was not new to the job nor unfamiliar with the often times sideways manner in which justice is dealt. The young man was already incarcerated up to the trial date due to some other misunderstandings so when the judge cried out NOT GUILTY on the robbery and weapons charges the elation was palpable. The joyous celebration evaporated soon after upon the utterance from the same judge who stated in a clear fashion, "GUILTY", for the change of terroristic threats towards me. Hilariously, the young man was carted off to serve an additional nine months in the state corrections facility where he could continue the ever elusive "school" that he apparently was enrolled in.
All this is to say that while I agree with conducting arrests for those who actually commit crimes, I am in no way, shape, or form interested in being a part of oppressing the freedoms of Americans. Being mean, lying, offensive, and more all fall under the safety of living in a free society. You may end up in twitter jail, become a social pariah, fired from a job, or become the family outcast but I, for one, will not arrest you. The confusion on my part, I suppose, is how these apprehensions will take place considering the past disagreements between the U.S. and our beloved ally. While they did burn down the Whitehouse during the War of 1812 the tenacity of American Patriots has paved the way for the greatest nation on earth. I suppose the only thing that you, as Americans, can do is to make sure you abide by English laws...or else! For Mee...I'll just keep being that weird freedom fella, a modern-day Paul Revere if you will, with a soon to be warrant for my arrest from our Supreme Lord and Master, the one and only Sir Mark Rowley. Gotta go now...teatime awaits!
#lawenforcement #unitedstates #america #freedom #revolutionarywar #england