Red Shift Analysis

Red Shift Analysis

Associated with the inflation of the universe is the cosmic background radiation (CMB) at 1.6 mm wavelength correlating to microwave background energy that permeates throughout the entire universe. The initial starting conditions of the He-BEC singularity had a wavelength between the fundamental particles of 4E-14 meters and this wavelength was very short. This wavelength has been expanded (red shifted through photon decay) to the CMB energy we detect today that is associated with the expansion of the universe. If we consider the initial geometric features of the He-BEC singularity where the 4E-14-meter distance between the fundamental particles of 4E-18 meters diameter in a cubic centre form.

Helium has two stable isotopes?4He and?3He. Usually different isotopes of the same substance differ only in their mass. However, the helium isotopes behave very differently when they are cooled to temperatures below a few Kelvin.?A mixture?of the two isotopes separates spontaneously at temperatures below 0.8 K. The liquids of both isotopes become?superfluids?at low temperatures,?4He below 2.17 K, and?3He below 0.0025 K.

Helium (

Helium is the second lightest element after hydrogen. It is known as a light gas that is used to float balloons. It becomes liquid when it is cooled to a very low temperature. Helium is the only substance that remains liquid at absolute zero of temperature, 0 K (zero Kelvin), or -273.15 Celsius. All other substances solidify at temperatures higher than 10 K, see?a typical phase diagram.

4/2 He is the more common isotope of helium. The figure shows the phase diagram of?4/2 He at low temperatures.?4He remains liquid at zero temperature if the pressure is below 2.5 MPa (approximately 25 atmospheres). The liquid has a phase transition to a superfluid phase, also known as He-II, at the temperature of 2.17 K (at vapor pressure). The solid phase has either hexagonal close packed (hcp) or body centered cubic (bcc) symmetry.

The reason for the different behaviour of?4He and?3He is quantum mechanics.?4/2He is a boson. The appearance of the superfluid phase in?4He is related to Bose condensation, where a macroscopic fraction of the atoms is in the lowest-energy one-particle state.?

3/2He is a fermion (like electron) and it is forbidden by the Pauli exclusion principle that more than one fermion is in the same one-particle state. The superfluidity arises from formation of weakly bound pairs of fermions, so called Cooper pairs. The pairs behave as bosons. In the superfluid state there is a macroscopic occupation of a single Cooper pair state.

The Boson state model of 4/2 He is used to understand what the universe looked like prior to the beginning and the assumptions made correspond to the outcome of the fundamental physics and cosmological constants. The distance from 4E-14 to 1.6E-35 meter is 4E-22 meter. As the electrons and positrons are travelling towards one another down to the singularity at the velocity of 54686 m/s after 13.8 billion years (4.355E+17 seconds) we have a distance travelled of 2.38158E+22 meters. The square root of this distance corresponds to 1.54324E+11 meters. The difference between 4E-14 meters and 1.6E-3 meters is 2.5E-11 corresponding to the expansionary process of the universe.

The relationship between 1.6E-3 (CMB) and 1.6E-35 (Planck Epoch) meter corresponds to 1E+32 meters and the inflationary epoch phase of the universe has been identified as 1E-32 seconds (space in meters = time in seconds). The inflationary process has been driven by alpha particle emission, which corresponds to 9.97 times faster than the speed of light (v = 2990637811 KJ/mol) corresponding to a negative time dilation and expansionary process. The inward trajectory of the dark matter particles gave the positive pressure to fill the expanding universe. 1E-32 s x 1E+32 m = 1 m/s. Whereas the speed of light is 299,792,458 m/s As it is currently proposed in cosmology that the inflationary epoch lasted from 1E-36 second after the conjectured hot Big Bang singularity to sometime between 1E-33 second and 1E-32 second after the singularity.

Following the inflationary period, the universe continued to expand, but at a slower rate. The SUSY inversion model provides an alternative to the hot Big Bang theory and provides a finer resolution of detail that corresponds to a geometric form of the He-BEC singularity that provides a model with features that can be explored to reveal the generation of dark energy and dark matter. The emission of alpha particles (dark energy) provides 9.97 times faster than the speed of light inflationary phase that correlates to a negative time dilation. The inflationary process that continues today. Additional supporting evidence for the He-BEC singularity is obtained from the calculations of the quantum fluctuations at 1E-120 shown above as well as the compositional information that identifies dark energy (DE) and dark matter (DM) and a means by which these exotic forms of energy decay and evolve into matter through charge attraction. This dimensionless number is obtained through the following calculations (Equation 8).

Equation 8: Cosmological calculations using inverse square law relationships between DE and DM emitted from the He-BEC singularity 13.8 billion years ago

(1/1.6E-35) m / 1.6E-35m = 3.91E+69

3.91E+69 / v (2990637811) = 1.31E+60 m/s

1.31E+60 / 1.31E-60 = 1E-120??

A means to an ends or just a way to explore new beginnings.

Further information on the SUSY inversion model can be found at

Quantum Biology Research Institute.

Pierre Vleminckx

Energetic Archaeoasteroanthropology

1 年

The ‘SUSY Inversion Model’ is cellularly integrated throughout our ‘Cosmic (Mirror) Time Codices’ or CTCs, Keryn, called (macro)cosmochronobiomoloogy and beyond.


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