“Red Pill”:  The Epic Final Battle Between the Light Side and Dark Side is Now Underway!
Let go of any and all thoughts, beliefs and assumptions which bind and diminish you, especially those that are false, limiting and self-defeating, and replace them with only those which expand and empower you.

“Red Pill”: The Epic Final Battle Between the Light Side and Dark Side is Now Underway!

October 11, 2020

(5-6 minute short-read)


Originally Posted on Linked In October 3, 2020

Banned and Removed by Linked In the following day, October 4th, 2020


Author's Note:

I recently wrote and posted the above titled article on my Linked In online professional profile. I did so with the sole intention of assisting readers—to the best of my professional understanding and ability—in making sense of current world events, while also providing critical thinking techniques to help discern fact from fiction, along with sound psychological techniques for staying grounded and centered in these unprecedentedly discombobulating times.

And yet, less than 24 hours later, Linked InBanned & Removed” my new article with no explanation other than for a single ambiguous sentence stating, “It has been removed because it goes against our Professional Community Policies.” Having previously posted about 20 equally well-thought out articles on Linked In over the course of 15 years without a single violation, I found this injunction—to say the least—perplexing, disturbing and highly objectionable. And frankly speaking, not worth a bucket of warm spit!

The fact is—by Linked In's disingenuous acts of censoring content and banning posts on their “platform” from members that don't reflect their approved "fun-house view" of reality, Linked In is actively denying posters of their right to free speech—in direct violation of the 1996 Communications Decency Act. Stated simply, the minute they crossed the line by censoring, Linked In legally defaulted and became a publisher, thereby forfeiting all protections from indemnity as a platform. Despite the Big Tech companies insistence on having it both ways, legally speaking, it is a black and white matter of either/or, without any gray overlap whatsoever. Expect court cases—and possibly federal legislation—to follow in the coming months towards remedying this intolerable injustice.

So what is really going on here? Suffice it to say—no matter how much in vain they effort to contort and spin it differently in—Linked In is bald-facedly practicing Constitutionally unlawful censorship to silence voices it opposes! While I have sincerely valued and appreciated the world-wide platform Linked In provides for its members to connect and share ideas, I most certainly do not appreciate their unwarranted and inequitable censorship.

Apparently for no other reason than the decidedly "pro-America" patriotic stance of my article, Linked In has censored and banned its publication on their platform. For the record, I completely stand by the veracity of the facts which have been presented with only the best of intentions within my fullest capacity as a helping professional. Be assured that great care has been taken to provide accurate, informative and therapeutically beneficial information that singularly seeks to further empower the reader.

What you should know about this banned article—and about every article I write and publish on my professional website, or on Linked In, or for that matter anywhere else—is that it was meticulously researched and sincerely written from the perspective of a 30+ year practicing counseling psychologist, graduate school professor emeritus of counseling psychology, 1970's-era United States Marine Corps military veteran, and a lifelong unabashed American patriot. It is now offered for your consideration in what I can only describe as faithfully doing my duty as an allegiant American citizen:?Here I stand and can do no other.

Our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, including freedom of speech, have long been and continue to be under attack presently by traitors both domestic and foreign—including by Big Tech American social media corporations acting as censors while unlawfully operating under the flimsy guise as self-appointed arbitrators of truth. For this reason and others, We the People must vigorously call out and band together to challenge any and all social media platforms practicing biased, anti-free speech censorship for what they plainly are:?Anti-democracy tyrants!??

With all this in mind, I trust you can now better decide for yourself whether or not reading what I have to say is worth investing 5-minutes or so of your time. For the sake of our great Republic's long continuation, I hope you do. Thank you very much for your consideration.

For anyone actually reading this article here on Linked In, congratulations on accessing it!

I am saying this because as it now stands today, apparently all of my more recent Linked In article postings—beginning with my first "pandemic survival guide" article posted in March of this year up to and including this no-holds-barred “unhappy camper complaint” which you are now reading—have since each been systematically comment-disabled and “shadow banned” by Linked In. Effectively silencing them. Hence the reason I am now reposting these same banned articles in their entirety on my professional website for your consideration.

To now read my original article in its entirety, which Linked In has banned and removed from my profile, please copy and paste the below link into your browser to take you to my professional website where it has since been reposted:


Semper fi,


P.S. After reading my banned article, you are also encouraged to scroll down to the bottom of this page to check out some of my other thought-provoking articles posted under my profile here on Linked In.

?#criticalthinking #disclosure #acceptance #courage #coronavirus #covid19 #anxiety #depression #emotionalhealth #selfhelp #mentalhealth #selfawareness #michaelrabouchard


Michael Ra Bouchard, M.A., Ph.D.的更多文章

