The RED Mini-Mag Controversy
Scott Nelson
Communication Strategist - / Director / Investor / Podcaster / - ols australia - - - all red everything podcast - bellmott beverages - kiin space podcast
If you live in the production world, there has been a storm the past two weeks for RED Digital Cinema created by a UK based company called JinniMag.
If you're not an owner or operator, there's a good chance you would have missed this entirely, but this has been a rough time time for both the manufacturer and owners. There has been an outpouring of rage as the internet collectively grabbed their pitchforks and charged at RED.
What's more interesting, is that this isn't new news. Linus Tech Tips actually weighed in on the argument and brought up the fact that RED use consumer grade storage in their Mini-Mag housings a few years ago.
It struck a nerve primarily because of the cost of the mags. When I bought my first mag, it landed at $3,800 AUD by the time I'd paid local taxes and the USD to AUD conversion, so they are not cheap by any standards for a stick of memory. When it was made public knowledge that the internal boards were an off the shelf product that total under $50, it smashed that internet rage button.
Forums and Facebook groups that I am involved in are pumping with heated discussion both for and against. RED are known for passionate owners and I'd consider myself one of those. Have I found the information frustrating? Absolutely. Am I angry? Not really. I knew what I was getting into.
When asked by a friend yesterday about it, my response was that I have got so much more in return from being an owner. It is the most incredible image capture I have ever seen. 8K RAW with 16 stops of dynamic range. Still blows me away every time I use it.
Part of the appeal for me is the sheer cost and the barrier for entry that creates. It means that you'd better be bloody serious about your craft before you dive into a professional camera system. it's not a cheap exercise and there are heavy costs associated with being on the forefront of technology.
Here are the videos so you can catch up.
Jinni Mag Part 1
Jinni Mag Part 2
Linus Tech Tips - Red's Overpriced "Mini Mag" Cards - The Real Story