Navigating the dating world can be tricky, especially when it comes to first dates. Here are some key red flags to be aware of.
- Talking About Exes: If your date constantly brings up their ex, it might indicate unresolved feelings or comparisons.
- Rudeness to Service Staff: How they treat others, especially those serving them, can be a reflection of their character.
- Too Much Alcohol: Consuming excessive alcohol can be a sign of dependency or a way to mask true feelings.
- Not Respecting Boundaries: If they push you to do something you're uncomfortable with, it's a clear red flag.
- Being Too Forward: Moving too fast physically or emotionally can indicate a lack of respect for boundaries.
- Constantly Checking Their Phone: This can be a sign of disinterest or that they're not fully present.
- Talking Only About Themselves: A balanced conversation is key. If they dominate the conversation, they might not be genuinely interested in getting to know you.
- Being Late Without a Good Reason: Punctuality shows respect for the other person's time.