Red Flags you Should Ignore to Get Burnt Out!
Come for the irony of the title and stay for the article!
Here’s the deal! Back when I was still working in a 9–5, I was the ultimate people-pleaser and never shared any objections or feelings with my boss, because of thoughts such as -
“I am dumb”?or?“Everyone goes through these issues. Suck it up and let’s get back to work”.
These thoughts were often repeated back to me by my boss inside the toxic work culture he had created, which just made me shut up and simmer in my thoughts more.
The reality is, during this journey inside my time in the corporate world, I was basically taught to
Here are some of the red flags I learned to ignore until they stressed me out to the point where I was experiencing a life-changing burnout -
??Poor work-life boundaries
I was almost constantly on the clock!
??Ever-growing expectations
Blurry role with a new set of expectations added on without prior notice,
??Poor communication
I was constantly scolded for not taking on more responsibilities… responsibilities that didn’t fall under my role as a copywriter and leaned more towards leadership, management, and planning of projects.
I had to return back home after travelling a long distance when a client didn’t wish to meet me without my boss, someone who told me he couldn’t make it when I was halfway through the commute and where he informed me that the client was already aware of this change in plans… The client was not.
Sudden changes in projects and deadlines to meet clients’ demands out of the blue, which weren’t communicated properly.
??Minimal support
The only sign of support was the fact that I had an opportunity to work from home for the most part of my job, something that was decided and discussed during the job interview but something that loomed over my head as a show of grace every time I spoke up about stress.
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The thing about these red flags is that we have learnt to ignore them with the thought —?“These are crucial skills I need to learn if I wish to be someone of importance within this company.”
That mindset makes us feel like we are just creating excuses to not work,
because?“Everyone has had to do this in the past, and maybe we being the new generation of kids, are just lazy, trying to hide behind pretend red flags”.
This mindset is so strong that even as I write this post, I was afraid that all these flags looked like excuses for me to not work at my old job, leaving me feeling like a failure (Yes! This still happens after 3 years of escaping my trigger zone!)
But looking back, I also know what I felt was real, it was deep, and it hurt to the point where for the very first time in my life, I chose to put myself before my family (After 3 months of my mom convincing that it was okay to do so haha!)
That’s exactly why I share these flags to be on the lookout for and create as much awareness around Burnout as possible.
It’s time to burn the Burnout, and it all starts at the base — STRESS!
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Before I go, here are some announcements from my world that can get you excited and hyped for the coming week -
Let’s go!!!
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Madhurima Sappatti?is a Freedom Soul Coach and she is amazing!! As a Freedom Soul Coach, her aim is to guide changemakers, especially coaches, to get Freedom from Burnout and Limiting Beliefs, and go from being Burnt Out to Thriving. The intention, in the end, is to create a sustainable space that will help the coaches grow, expand, and experience Freedom. She brings together inner work, burnout, and spirituality to enable as many people as possible to follow their dreams and passions!