Red Flags of A Failing Campaign
Christopher Tompkins
CEO of The Go! Agency (Digital Marketing), Author, Forbes Council Thought Leader, Entrepreneur Magazine Contributor, Biz Journals Leadership Trust, Fast Company Board Member, Podcast Host, National Business Mentor
Does your team have a hard time getting projects smoothly across the finish line? Does it feel like deadlines keep getting pushed back again and again?
To tackle your problems, you need to isolate them first and figure out their source. Here are the most common red flags that a campaign might be going a little off the rails.
You struggle to remember what you last talked about with the client.
Do you often find yourself saying “Wait, I have a meeting with that guy again already? What for?” The meeting might not be for anything in particular, as the client might just want to catch up on the campaign. But if they’re doing it too often, it’s typically the sign of a problem.
It’s hard to give individualized attention to every single client, but if you find yourself constantly trying to remember why you’re having a meeting, then for one reason or another you’re having too many meetings.
When a client blows up your calendar or asks early on for weekly or even biweekly meetings, it’s because they don’t have complete faith in you. Now, this might not be your fault — but it also might be! What could you be doing that’s making them feel insecure or like they need to be a helicopter client? Are you promising deadlines that your team is missing? Are deliverables coming back with a round after round of edits?
Take the time to figure out why a client feels the need to constantly be briefed on the campaign and fill in the cracks in their campaign swiftly and all at once. Cracks only grow the longer you leave them unattended.
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