Red Card or No Red Card
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Quote of the day - (For Thursday)
6. I go to the ocean & drink water my tongue says its bitter but my instinct says I am really thirsty well ,well desalination company or an employee to come my rescue while drinking salt water . What do i mean the key to success is that may not be always straight sometimes you have go through zigzag ,Bitter salt scenario road ,eventually your find a narrow down road to Triumph?.
7. I always refer to the famous proverb which says "What is good for the goose is good for the gander"
8. The bottom line is one day your will manage to weather the storm crisis - A clock may not be ticking for everyone simultaneously,But your pedestal Maze is waiting when ,where time will tell .
9.Finally Keep on walking the tight rope -Kick up the dust for the road to triumph .Red Card Or No Red Card
Happy Thursday to all of you