Red Alerts During the First Date: how to identify signaling danger
by Peter Mwangi
Dating for the first time can be an exciting experience but also a frustrating one. Most men and women do not know what to expect during their first date. This uncertain expectation is the point of greatest fear because they know almost nothing or very little about their date.
The intentions of a first dater may vary. Some will have good intentions, while others will have evil minds. It is essential to give credit to your fears during the first date. Many good things have been experienced during a first date like:
a) Landing into the right life partner
b) Getting an incredible business idea
c) Discovering one’s unique talents
d) Receiving that extraordinary job, you’ve always desired
e) Your ideas being financed
f) Going to an overseas trip among others
It is also good to note that during the first date, many evil things happen to many good people. Examples of such things could be:
a) Rape
b) Kidnaps
c) Murder
d) Being conned
e) Humiliations
f) Getting drugged among others
Such scaring experiences can be avoided if you get well knowledgeable on how to identify the signaling dangers. No one should ever fall into the hands of a killer in the name of dating. Below are ways to identify dangers:
a) If the person dating you keeps insisting on going into a secluded place like into a dark cave, a deep forest, far away from a road or people, a deserted house or a private room.
b) If you notice your date is carrying unique items like a knife, rope, a pistol, funny powders or liquids.
c) If your date is making too many unrealistic promises
d) If your date is using hard drugs or offering you drugs to try out
e) If your date takes you into a questionable group of friends. They may look drugged, highly drunk, or just a scary group.
f) If your date keeps touching your privates without your consent or any due respect
g) When you notice a sudden change in language style or behavior.
h) When they begin forcing you to do things that you do not approve
All the above are danger signals that will help you plan a quick escape during the first date or on any subsequent one. Once you have identified the danger signals, the next thing will be the escape. Many people will stay there damn scared in the hope that things will turn out positive. In most cases, 99% of the cases will turn out ugly. Therefore, it is crucial to know how to escape. Below are escaping tips.
a) Make a quick excuse that you’ve been called back home or by a friend because of an emergency
b) Pretend to have forgotten a critical chore or appointment
c) Stand your ground and suggest a different site or an action that favors you. Do this in a very cunning way
d) If need be, run and run fast.
e) Scream and shout, calling for help.
All in all, dates have more positive sides than negative ones. But we should never ignore the adverse outcomes of our first dates because their consequences can produce lifetime effects in our private or public lives. Whether you are dating for the first time or the tenth, always look out for danger signals.