Red Alert

Red Alert

Until you understand this -- you are out of the "warning loop" that God has provided for us to prepare us?for what is about to come. This is a Red Alert- the Red Dragon- Satan & his minions are here to cause chaos & confusion.?? Israel & the Church stand in his way & he's furious because he knows his time is short: Rev. 12:12. And note, God does not just use numbers with impunity—those numbers are part of the warning.

God does not play games......and yet countless pastors, prophecy gurus and other "elites" were like the Pharisees of old and discounted God's Great Sign for our time-------many will pay a heavy price but what is worse is that most have not taken the warning seriously enough to warn others around them especially their loved ones.? At least Noah tried with all the time, ability, resources, that he had to forewarn the world around him to seek shelter in God before disaster hit. We are NOW again in the "time of Noah" and if you cannot see this then you have been blinded by Satan as the countless other lemmings that we can see each day glorifying sex transition, abortion, Kamala and Walz.? As a voice crying in the wilderness -- God wants this message to reach you as before it is too late-- and as in the message of John the Baptist - seek repentance, baptism, and prepare for the Lord's Coming.? But the religious leaders in the time of John and Noah did not - nor did those in the time of the birth of Christ see the first great Cosmic Sign given for the Lord's first coming-Bethlehem Star.

The Great Sign of Revelation 12 happened almost exactly 7 years ago as a foreshadow of events to come.? That is why God has called it a "GREAT SIGN."? IT WOULD NOT BE A GREAT SIGN IF IT HAPPENED AT THE BEGINGING OF TIME as 40% or more of pastors and prophecy gurus teach, nor would it be a Great Sign if it Happens in the Middle of the 7-Year Tribulation, or Jacob's Trouble as the other 60% teach!!? Why would God wait until Judgment has already come to give His Great Sign? And astronomers know exactly the date and time of this Glorious arrangement of wandering stars, Sun, Moon, and distant stars that made up the Great Sign of the Woman (and if you do not know how glorious it was - read any of the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown books--that the LORD commissioned me to write and which I openly give away for free at our mission "Answers on the Rock," at White Rock Lake.)? My friend Angie and I have been giving away these and other free books for the last 14 years!

How wrong can these "teachers" be to ignore God's stellar or cosmic billboard in the sky? Ignoring God's Magnificent and Glorious warning may be equal to the apostasy of macro-evolution, changing the sex of children, pushing puberty blockers, homosexuality, and transgenderism.?

The Red Dragon has been cast to earth and is persecuting the Woman who is Israel.? The Church, the real Church that is in Christ imbued with the Holy Spirit, is the Power of God holding back Satan and his minions until the right moment when God will lift them up along with the dead in Christ who will meet Christ in the clouds.? This is a warning that God wants all to hear. God has commissioned me and others who sought answers in prayer to announce this warning to those who have ears to hear yet have not heard and eyes to see yet have NOT seen.? Let’s keep in prayer, share God's Word with each other, share the Gospel, and give God all the Praise and Glory.? Peace and Hope be with you.

The earth in rebellion as the Lord Returns before and after the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse...the road and Gate to Heaven are narrow but the road to Hell is wide and tempting.

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