Recycling of Manufacturing Waste Made Easy; Companywide Program Implemented at PharmaMed.

Recycling of Manufacturing Waste Made Easy; Companywide Program Implemented at PharmaMed.

Recycling can be a daunting task for businesses in the manufacturing industry. There are multiple streams of waste created in most manufacturing facilities, from scrap materials to production waste, to shipping supplies. How do we responsibly dispose of the types of refuse our companies create? Ryan Sorkness, VP of Operations at PharmaMed, has implemented a recycling program using a step-by-step process that makes it efficient, and easy, to recycle.

Ryan grew up in a family that was devoted to recycling everything possible. One of his core values is to mindfully care for the earth and be a good steward for everything we are given. When he came to work at PharmaMed, he saw all the excess material created and the overflowing dumpster each week. He knew that our company could do better, so he followed these three simple steps to implement this program.

Step 1: Check with local municipalities – Identify if there are city programs already in existence. For PharmaMed, these were recycling programs for plastic, cans, paper, and cardboard.

Step 2: Tour each department of your company and learn what waste is generated. For example, our Receiving Department generates an enormous amount of excess packaging material. PharmaMed reuses boxes and packaging materials but cannot use them all. Ryan sought out a local company, Goin’ Postal, and they gladly agreed to accept our overabundance of packaging materials. It is a win/win because we are saving money by not purchasing these items, we are helping a local business by donating our extra items to them and we are keeping packaging materials from going into the landfill.

Step 3: Research local programs for other types of recyclables. Ryan signed up for bins and scheduled pickup days for construction wood, aluminum and steel, batteries, and plastic bag recycling. Another local business, Rapid Refill, recycles our ink and toner cartridges, and another local business pays for metal shavings from our CNC machines. If it can be recycled locally, PharmaMed recycles it.

It is important to make recycling easy for everyone at the company. We had to eliminate obstacles like getting up from your desk, walking down the hall, or going outside in freezing temperatures. PharmaMed has placed small recycling bins next to each desk and placed a larger bin in each department for mixed recycling, to help employees make smart decisions.

Ryan hopes that in the future, manufacturers will choose recyclable materials for their products and packaging, lessening the amount of garbage that is thrown into landfills. He knows recyclable materials aren’t always the cheapest option, and businesses need to watch their bottom line, but believes it is something to strive for.

PharmaMed encourages all manufacturing companies to find recycling programs in their area for the manufacturing waste that is generated by their company. Start small, with one type of waste, spend a little time each week researching and/or implementing how to recycle it, and then move on to the next type. Slow changes over time can have a big impact, and it’s never too late to start. It takes time and energy to set up a recycling program in your company, but it will pay dividends in the future.



