Recycling The Ideas: How Do You Create Impact?
Dear reader, hours of the day pass in the blink of an eye as we are busy with our work, immersed in what we do well or try to do well, repeating the pattern of our days deliberately, trying to shape them into a fixed mold in an attempt to control them, and this often succeeds. ??
Well, this is a good thing, but you’ll realize that the more you know, the more you understand that what happened yesterday is nothing but a lesson for today through which you plan your future.
You must think and enlighten minds, and not dive into an endless chain of routine days that were drawn for you, with no space for creativity in your work or anything else you do.
Yes, creativity ? — what we need today amidst the overwhelming flood of ideas and imitations. We need new innovation and creativity, and as we commonly say, "one of a kind."
Where Does Creativity Come From?
We all know the term "recycling," and we talk about it a lot, especially in developed countries that care about nature and surrounding resources - recycling plastic, copper, glass, and so on.
But, did you know that there’s another term for recycling that goes beyond physical structure and focuses on intellectual value?
Dear reader, I am talking about "recycling the ideas." Yes, ideas can be recycled just like physical objects. And this could be the source of success and innovation. But the question is:
Do ideas die, or are they consumed to the point of losing their value?
Yes, ideas may die if neglected, for example, or may be aborted if they aren't timely. Timing here is crucial ?. But more importantly, we can revive them again.
It was a small thought:
Should we create ideas from scratch, from nothing, that are creative and unprecedented?
I answered myself that a person cannot be born with ideas or opinions about a world they have not interacted with yet. They must first see what is around them, learn from it, draw conclusions, and imitate it once or twice until they realize the best way to live for themselves, which will change according to the surrounding reality, which is also constantly changing.
Therefore, the first rule we will take here is that => creativity is something that renews itself.
Yes, people learn, and new ideas start to emerge from old ideas and topics that were previously presented. I said to myself, this is similar to the recycling we were talking about. We have an old idea that has been consumed and maybe forgotten; why not revive this idea but in a more creative way, incorporating some present-day reality and its needs?
This way, we may find solutions based on an old idea that has been sitting around for a while.
So, I researched more about the subject of "recycling the ideas," and I actually found several references surrounding this topic. What amazed me were the sources I came across. But what caught my attention was the book Steal Like an Artist. I paused for a moment and began to look for details about this book, written by Austin Kleon, who compiled a fantastic amount of information. Let me summarize the book to give you a brief overview.
Summary of the Book:
The world of entrepreneurship is constantly changing, and innovation is not just a buzzword; it is the lifeblood of success. Austin Kleon’s principles in his book Steal Like an Artist offer a treasure trove of insights for artists and entrepreneurs who are seeking to create unique spaces in crowded markets or in their personal lives in general. Here’s how to apply these principles to enhance your creative journey:
Entrepreneurs, like artists, are creators. They envision, innovate, and bring to life ideas that can change the world.
Applying the principles from Steal Like an Artist book can add a touch of creativity to your journey, making you stand out. Embrace your influences, start now, share your journey, and never underestimate the power of limitation.
This is a simple summary of the book’s content. In fact, this book was published in 2012 and was listed among The New York Times Best Seller list at the time.
"Recycling the ideas" in greater depth:
If you want to build a product, service, community, or project and are looking for a way to make that a reality, you might think: “Oh, this has been done before, my ideas aren’t new.” But here’s the thing: With a bit of inspiration, you can do it too, and it doesn’t matter if it’s been done before.
Austin Kleon has delivered several great talks, one of which he presented with Google, addressing a key idea from his book Steal Like an Artist. Nothing comes from nothing. What a good artist understands is that nothing comes from nothing. Every creative work builds on what came before it;
nothing is truly original.
Some people think like this:
Everything that needs to be said has already been said, but since no one was listening the first time, it all needs to be said again.
And that makes sense.
The power of Blending and mixing:
Let’s embrace influence instead of running away from it, and let it unlock your creativity. Recombining what I already have is a strength; blending colors to create a "new" masterpiece.
One of the most beautiful examples of blending is heredity. You have a mother, and you have a father, and you carry traits from both. You are now a new person, with new traits that result from blending your parents' qualities. This is incredibly inspiring — you are a new idea that grew out of old ones, just like a never-ending cycle of blending, inspiration, and difference.
Deriving ideas:
The fascinating thing is when you look at the greatest artists:
Now, as we know, many old ideas have been revived with artificial intelligence technologies, which have revolutionized our world — this is one example of creativity.
So, I think when you truly accept the idea that nothing is original, you can’t say Picasso was the first because he was inspired by some men and some women, and they were inspired by others, and those people were inspired by others. So, it’s a big loop of creativity and blending.
Also, do we say for a moment that Google wasn’t hugely successful because AltaVista and Yahoo were there before?
No, we accept it as a great thing. So, the wonderful thing is, it doesn’t matter if it was done before, who did it, or if you did it — everything is built on previous works, previous history. This, for me, opens up crazy possibilities for creativity, doesn’t it?
Yes, if anything, I think this book and this idea are truly distinctive because what we do and what we refer to is learning from what came before. Artists learn from past inspiration, so
keep learning for life!
The good news is that you can use this yourself: remix, create, and build upon previous works to create something new.
Simplify — this will make it much better:
Apple is obsessed with design. Steve Jobs was obsessed with making the iPhone simple to use, without many buttons. And he really did. The result is something you know.
So, whatever it is in your life, simplify it and discover the essence. In creativity, much of it is about what we take away, not what we add.
But, why is simplicity so hard? Because when you strip things down, you get to the essence, and for me, this constraint to make things very simple is something you can spend your time on without worry. And just like when you present to a client, when you create product packaging, you have limited time and space (resources), you need to get to the essence of things, and the art of simplification takes time, but I believe you will touch creativity in the process.
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From the above, we can learn the following:
I would have written a shorter letter, but I didn’t have the time.
Remember, we are one icon, one painting whose colors have stretched across time to create the reality we live in now.
Remember that what you do is not just for yourself, but for those who come after you or for those around you.
Share your ideas with me, and you will see my inspiration come to you.
In the end, it all comes from diversity — the diversity that blends our lives with unique and beautiful colors. We complement each other and weave new colors from the heart of this diversity, passion, and life.
And we must never forget the idea of accumulation: what I do today will be completed by others tomorrow in a style that may be better and simpler.
I, myself, have been inspired by many people, and often I find myself producing something wonderful from the ideas of those around me. I call for opening our minds to each other, and let's make the world more beautiful every day.