Recursion in Marketing "Remarketing"
How often have you visited a website, then saw ads on all sorts of ads for that website on facebook, youtube, google? You begin to wonder if you are going insane or that website is spying on you....You've just experienced remarketing!
Remarketing in a Nutshell
It's the way companies market their products to customers who have already visited or shown interest in the product/company. Just like in sales we refer to customers who are interested but not committed as warm leads, in digital marketing we see people who are curious as warm leads. The ads can be seen anywhere on the web that accepts Google display network advertising. Those sites can also be specifically targeted and filtered so you can control where the ads show up. According to Adhesion, Google remarketing is an ideal advertising tactic especially where the sales process is long and considered and competitive. Executed in the right way it can be a powerful tool to improve sales conversions and to raise your brand profile.
Programatic Advertising
Defined as buying digital advertising space automatically, with computers using data to decide which ads to buy and how much to pay for them. Programatic advertising is very popular among companies as a targeted marketing strategy to automate the complex process of buying targeted advertising online. Instead, all of the tedious work is done by software platforms like Google ad networks or Facebook. Running the data is definitely where it gets interesting with programatic advertising, there are multiple types of data that are run and analyzed. First party data is data that the company has on their clients and customers, the second party data is that which is owned and shared by the agencies working with the company. Lastly, third party data is data that can be purchased by companies. For many companies, data can be considered as customers when it comes to programatic advertising.
Remarketing Platforms
Google has dominated the playing field of remarketing ads for awhile, but now with social media becoming so popular and a big part of the digital age, Facebook has now become another leading platform. While Google has been around, there are constant sustainable innovations being added to their algorithm. Google is working on an option for remarketing ads to be muted for a specific duration of time, this is a step in the direction of transparency but can also help companies weed out those who are not interested. Another way Google is controlling remarteting is by creating intelligent tracking prevention, which does not allow for ads to remarket for 24 hours unless the user revisits the website. As I've covered before in my blogs about paid social media advertising, Facebook is one of the leaders in online ads, the remarketing tool on Facebook is the Lookalike Audience. Facebook works like Google in terms of ads, but uniquely the algorithm makes a list of the users currently tracked, and creates a retargeted list of people who are 99% similar to remarket to.