Recruitment Process
Kalindi Khairkar
Global Precision : Administrative Partner in Worldwide Field Operations
Recruitment , Selection , Training and Retention
Hello Friends,
This is my debutante post on LinkedIn as various authors have immensely encouraged me to pour down my thoughts through their blogs.
In this blog, I’d like to introduce you to my area of expertise in very simple and insightful manner.
So basically what is Recruitment ???
No it is not as difficult as Valar Morghulis .. hahahaha!!
Recruitment : It is a core function of human resource management (HRM). It is the first step of appointment. Recruitment refers to the overall process of attracting, selecting and appointing suitable candidates for jobs it may be permanent or temporary. Recruitment can also refer to processes involved in choosing individuals for intern positions, such as voluntary roles or unpaid trainee roles.
Selection : Choosing the right employee for the right position within the decided salary range at the right time.
Training : Now it is a myth that only new entrants in the organization need training. NO! Every employee , every person who is going to play part in the profit and loss of the company needs to be given a training on regular basis.Training is basically a kind of user manual(enacted by HR at the time of training) for people as to how, when and where they must conduct activity.Which will ultimately help to develop skills of employees within the organization.
Retention : A human resource manager should always have two qualities amongst the others , the quality is #Retaining and Negotiation(Or best he is good at implementing #Maslow's hierarchy theory of needs).Ideally it is expected that a company should have 99% retention ratio which possible but not easy.I think even if the retention ratio is 50% it is quite fruitful.Retaining an employee and working on their skills and personality will eventually help both the company and the employee to grow hand in hand.Basically an employee is an asset , #Asset which help the organization to grow through various enhancements in one self via training and experience gained while on field. & off field.
So, in a nutshell - Recruitment is a process where the HRM and the management must make sure that the employee and the client go hand in hand. Because if one of them is not satisfied the other will feel the repercussions.
If you have anything to say or correct me in my theories do feel free to do so.
Reply is awaited... :)