Recruitment lessons from a 9-year-old boy
Terry Edwards
I Help Recruitment and Search Firm Owners make more placements, for the right fee, with less work and fewer headaches
Today I remembered something my youngest said to me a couple of years back...
He was nine at the time and had decided he wanted to become a YouTuber...?
He wanted a career playing video games, posting videos about them on YouTube, and then getting paid off the advertising... Something I'd imagine lots of 9-year-olds would want to do...?
And if I'm honest, it sounds pretty appealing to me...?
Anyway, he started posting some videos to build up his following... And then he got his first comment...?
Anonymous - "Dumb Mother F*cker"?
When he told me, I immediately jumped into protective parent mode and reacted...?
I even wanted him to stop posting videos until he's a bit older...?
To protect him from being "attacked or criticised."?
But he reminded me of something I'm constantly telling myself and my clients...?
If you want to be successful, you must be prepared for the "hate"...?
You have to accept that some idiot on the internet who you don't know or whose opinion has zero relevance to your life will have something to say...?
They're going to feel the need to comment, criticise, disagree, tell you what you should do to make it better next time (even though they're unqualified to have an opinion), tell you you shouldn't be doing it, call you boring, call you wrong or straight-up call you a "Dumb Mother F*cker"...?
This is important for you to remember when pushing and promoting your Recruitment or Search Business... Because the only way to avoid it is to do nothing...?
It doesn't stop when you get older when you're more successful, when you've been in business longer, or any of that... It WILL happen... But if you do nothing... you'll miss out on clients, revenue and profits...
Whenever you're ready... Here I four ways I can help you make more placements in your business...
Speak to you soon,
Until then,
Take care, take action, and be relentless...?
Terry Edwards