Everything in life has a formula. There is a formula for producing anything, making anything or for getting any desired result. There is a formula on how to make a cup of coffee, how to bake a cake, bread, how to build a house, how to build a dam wall or a car, even how to sell your products and services.
There is an exact formula.
There is a formula for maths, most formulas are mathematical and maths has many formulas to handle many problems, for that matter. These are all either to multiply something, minus it, divide it or subtract figures to get to a resolution to what.....? a problem.
Formula definition = a method or procedure for achieving something.
Nothing in this world is "unsolvable" or "has no solution or resolution." Everything in this world has a solution, an exact worked out formula, process or procedure to a solutions to it's problem.
Take building a sky scraper, first you start with the earthworks, then there is the foundations, then there is the construction of the concrete floor slabs, walls, the different floors if it's a multi-storey, inserting windows, roof until the electricals and plumbing get put in and eventually you put in the finishes and fit outs and you have a constructed house.
The speed at which you can produce that result is an entirely different matter dependent upon skill, training and most importantly practise. The quality of the product is also a whole different matter on it's own also dependent upon skill, training and most importantly practise.
One can construct a low cost house very fast and still have a house or one can construct an upmarket, Sandton City / Beverly Hills / upmarket mansion which could also be put up fast but of much, much higher quality and still have a house.
Ability to do something does not always mean that it will be of high quality. Ability to do means ability to do. Ability to do something with speed, to a much higher quality is what most people value and normally that level of production is reached through a specific, perfectly formulated formula that has been learnt, tested, continually practised until it is perfected at which point it produces the desired result.
This is the point where you no longer have just a produced house, result or a baked cake but a masterpiece produced by a master, a great X person in X industry.
Recruitment also has a formula that is successful, that is perfected by the masters, these gems, these greats are scattered about amongst a sea of "professional recruiters" and they use this formula, process each and every single day to help build and expand companies, save and make them money and time as well as fund their own personal lifestyles.
What are the 3 ways in which you can be successful at recruiting for your business or at recruitment in general?
Does the formula you have right now bear fruit for you and your business? hopefully, otherwise you will no longer be able to expand your business.
How do you know whether it's the successful recruitment formula or not?
And why would you might wanna take a look at it and evaluate whether it's the right one for you and your business or not the right one?
Or whether it's performing as it should be or not?
Is it saving you money or costing you money?
Is it a safe recruitment formula or does it appear to be good and it's really not?
Or is it's appearance merely a cover up for something that really isn't good and doesn't work at all?
There are three things you need to ALWAYS have in order to have a very successful recruitment formula. Only 3 things.
These are:
- The formula must be able to identity the exact skill, talent or need of your client, ALWAYS. If you have an agency that makes grand claims and promises but is never able to deliver that nor find you the exact skill or needs you have, then they are incapable of this first step and are a waste of your time. We at Surge had to get rid of a number of Recruitment Agents because of their inability to do this first step. Identity exactly what was needed and wanted by our clients. Without that how can you ever deliver to your client or have an agent ever deliver to you if they can't even identify what it is you are looking for? They can't tell the difference between a Contracts Manager from the consulting industry from a Contracts Manager in contracting. Identify these agents and get rid of them FAST.
- The formula must be fast. You have no time to waste on your construction project or developments. Everything happens fast in construction, the Site Agent is needed now, the Contracts Manager or QS is needed now. And if these talents are hinging on an Agency that cannot identify your need and wants and is also slow then heck you're gonna lose money and time on your projects and probably business from your clients. The formula must include this important piece. The agent must be fast and efficient otherwise they'll kill your time and and your business.
- The formula must be able to be repeated over and over again. No one believes nor likes flukes. It's chance, it's dependency on hope, prayer and wishes instead of confidence, skill, competency or practised mastery. One needs to be able to repeat it over and over again so one can be serviced over and over again and always get the result. Or is able to repeat it over and over again so they can deliver to their client the same great results over and over again otherwise how does one ever expect to predict their income, as for agent? or as for clients how does one ever know whether he or she will ever be taken care of by a recruitment agency if they do not know whether the results they will get from their agents are the best, fast and always correct?
These 3 things must be present ALWAYS in order for you to be a success in recruitment or to have or to find a highly successful recruitment agency. Without these you will fall flat on your face in recruiting, you will not succeed, you will always be disappointed and will wonder why. You will also lose lots of money, time, projects, client, business, hire the wrong people, make terrible people choices and eventually crash your production and your business into the ground which we don't want.
You don't need that either. Especially you the client. You need skilled talent and you need it now.
Make sure your formula, processes or whatever you do in regards recruitment for your business with agencies or if your HR Department is handling all your recruitment for your business that it maintains these three steps. Sure there are many other points you might wanna add like doing Psychometric testing, background checks etc. they play a major part in recruitment and that is true, I agree with you but all those actions fall within this formula.
- Able to Identify the needs and wants / the right talent
- Efficient and not slow
- Able to be repeated over and over again
Do that and I promise you, I guarantee you, you will always be a great success and win in the game of hiring for your business.
Happy Hunting!