Recruitment - a Data-Led Industry??
So I received an email the other day that made me really angry.
Its subject was “Recruitment is now a Data Driven Industry”.
I hoped that the title was merely provocative – enticing the reader to open the email and discover that the sender refuted this belief. Unfortunately my eternal optimism was once again thwarted and I was confronted by yet another email promoting the use of mass marketing and internet bots to reach out to as many people as possible.
Is it any wonder that so many businesses struggle to recruit and so many candidates are left feeling frustrated by their experiences of job-hunting?
Recruitment has always been and remains about PEOPLE. Not data.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not a technophobe. I understand and appreciate the value that technology can bring to recruitment. However, it should be there to SUPPORT the process, not overtake and undermine the necessary people skills needed to run a successful recruitment campaign.
People are so much more than data, than keywords. Candidates should not be expected to be able to master algorithms in order to obtain the job of their choosing, and to which they would bring so much value.
I am Head of Resourcing for a PLC who can have over 200 vacancies open at any one time. I don’t profess to be perfect at what I do, and I am sure I have sometimes missed good candidates because of the volume of applications I receive and try to get through by reading each and every one. But I am confident that I overlook far less people than if I was to let a software programme screen for me.
In a world where everyone is so much more accessible, we should not succumb to the temptation of using data to do our job for us.
Train Driver
5 年Well said!
Consultant ERP
5 年Hi jennifer happy to read someone who takes care about human. It is very important, much more than keywords. World is becoming less human everyday, I totally agree with you. All can not be automatic, of course data is necessary for analysis, but Human must be first option. Have a nice day.
Logistics Customs Bond Supervisor at A.S. Bryden's
5 年Hi Jennifer. My name is Fabian De France and I'm into logistics in Trinidad & Tobago. I noticed you advertised some vacancies. Would a non-national be considered.