Elmen Lamprecht
This article forms part of a series about how HR could maximise the use of Engagement Tech to boost communication with candidates and employees. Today we are going to talk about how Recruitment Departments (or agencies) can use Technology to boost their Employer Brand through providing an amazing candidate experience.
Let’s talk about attracting top performing candidates and candidates with scarce skills. The reality is that you are spending a lot of time and money trying to capture and retain the attention of the same candidates that are just as aggressively targeted by several other potential employers. You know that LinkedIn message you sent to that awesome candidate? She got 10 just like that – in the past week alone. She is not ignoring you because she dislikes your company; she is ignoring you because your message is not standing out from the rest. In an environment where everyone is fighting over the attention of candidates with scarce skills, it is simply not enough to use one-way, static communication methods such as LinkedIn messages, emails and PDF brochures. Not even videos are working anymore.
Candidates want to control about when and where they engage with your employer brand. They don’t want you to tell them how amazing you are, they want to explore your brand and make up their own mind. They want to experience what it feels like to work at your company – they want their mind and heart engaged.
To achieve this, 3 Degrees Tech as developed several Virtual Candidate Engagement Tours that take a candidate on a virtual tour of the company, meeting important individuals on the way. In this way candidates get the full employee experience, exploring the offices from reception to back office operations and get a good feel of the company culture through engaging with key individuals. During the tour, the candidate can choose to engage with strategically placed interactions that convey content (videos, images, text) to ensure that while the heart is engaged through the tour, the mind is also stimulated through company information.
One of the amazing advantages of the Virtual Candidate Engagement Tours is that is it web-based, which makes it extremely easy for candidates to share the links with friends and family. Once the candidate has explored your company, absolutely blown away and inspired in the process, they can immediately forward that link via WhatsApp (or Facebook or LinkedIn), with a positive reference saying: “You have to watch this – this is so cool”. There is simply no better boost to your Employer Brand than an authentic endorsement from a candidate.
Ditching the boring stuff and embracing the exciting stuff has a number of powerful benefits.
- Enhanced ability to demonstrate Employment Experience
- Employer Value Proposition communicated in a fun, inspirational way
- Higher application conversion ratio
- Applicant Pool expanded in an entertaining, inclusive manner
- Memorable experiences leading to word-of-mouth referrals
If you want to know more about using Technology to better engage with candidates, please reach out to 3 Degrees Tech. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
3 Degrees Tech is Africa’s premier creative development company, specializing in Virtual Reality, online games including mobile games, Interactive videos and 3D Scenarios. We help companies transform their message to candidates and employees throughout the Employee Life-cycle, from boring content that gets ignored to creating inspirational experiences that positively influences behaviour.