

The pandemic has adjusted in every aspect of our lives. It did not bypass the HR-sphere, because of which many companies switched to remote operation.

Along with this, new tools that used to seem strange and unusual began to be introduced. The tools themselves have evolved, modified, and thus become a trend to be reckoned with in order to improve performance. In this article we will consider the most useful from a business point of view HR-tools, which began to be actively used after leaving for ?deletion?.

Recruitment based on data

It is often the case that Human Resources has made it a priority to close vacancies quickly. Usually to do this, resort to the simplest way - monitoring sites to find work. This approach allows for the closure of a vacancy, but the effectiveness of the staff member will remain in question. It happens that the new employee works a couple of months and leaves or works on the minus of the company. It is in such cases that statistics should be used.

?The positive impact of business metrics on company productivity became particularly apparent during the pandemic. Profits are down, resources are down, which means any wrong employee is a waste to the company. Therefore, in the current environment, organizations have adopted data-based recruitment.

?To find a talented candidate, it is necessary to engage in a proactive search using several sources. The choice should be based on specific indicators. It is necessary to consider not only the subscription cost of a certain service, but also the closing price of a particular vacancy. It is not enough to look at the number of people who have accepted an offer. The recruiter should analyze and pass-through indicators such as:

?·???????the number of candidates who have been on probation.

·???????number of candidates who have received an award in the first reporting period after a probationary period.

You should also pay attention not only to candidates, but also to recruiters themselves. Such indicators as, for example, the ?number of closed vacancies for the reporting period?, the ?pure time spent on closing positions? can show the degree of introduction of technologies and success of the interview process.

Data-based recruitment helps you minimize waste. To be truly effective, it needs to establish processes for data collection, subsequent storage, processing, and analysis.

Employee Experience platform (EEP)

Do not forget and underestimate the stage of adaptation. The successfully completed process of adapting a new employee can give additional strength and confidence in their actions, which directly affects the effectiveness of the work.

An increasing number of HR specialists are trying to involve hiring managers, thus making it automated. So, the idea of creating the Employee Experience Platform - a platform to manage the experience of the hired. Such platforms begin to work with the candidate even in stages prior to receiving an offer, thus smoothly integrating him into the daily life of the company.

At its core, EEP is a digital platform that integrates communication tools and stores data, allowing for the automation of some routine tasks. With its help you will be able to: avoid ?burnout? of the employee, monitor the effectiveness of employees, and ensure the growth of the performance of their employees in the future. The popularizer of this trend was HR-Vision and consultant Josh Bersin. In Russia, the EEP has only recently come into use and is just beginning to gain popularity.


These are programs aimed at the health of the employee, both physical and mental. A study by Gallup showed that people work much more efficiently if they are doing well in five areas of their lives. These areas include:


·???????relations with friends, family;

·???????finance; physical health;

·???????social aspect (a person likes where he lives).

Managers have started to actively introduce well-being-programs into their companies that consider and try to solve the emerging problems in these areas. Such programs may include trainings, understandable and transparent financial motivations, certificates to go to psychologists, tickets to the hall, yoga, legal advice and so on. With the help of well-being-programs it is possible to avoid staff turnover, as well as to form a team of time-tested professionals.

Social networks to create a positive image of the employer

The development of the brand in social networks is not something new, but such close attention from HR-specialists it received not so long ago. Until a few years ago, companies primarily tried to talk about a product or service. Now, content is based on mission, corporate values, employee workdays, and even their lives outside the workplace. This approach forms in the eyes of the applicant a clear image of the company and an understanding of what to expect from working in it. Proper social networking can attract new employees who are interested not only in the financial component, but also in the intangible aspects of the work.

Video interview with online assistant and video recording

In some companies, the first interviews are not conducted by a live person, but by an online assistant. The candidate receives a link to the site with questions to be answered. This makes the selection process more flexible in terms of time: there is no need to match schedules, saving both candidate and recruiter time.

Artificial intelligence can analyze the responses received by the degree of relevance, and neural networks - accurately predict the profile of the candidate by Big Five (the method of assessing the personality of the candidate). It’s called a videotape. With it, in the initial stages of the selection funnel you will receive all the necessary information to make a final decision on the employment.

Such a tool optimizes the selection process, especially when there is many candidates competing for one seat. Rather, it is designed to weed out obviously unsuitable candidates, so the final decision will still be for the person in charge of the recruitment.

Chat bots

To date, large companies have begun to introduce mass chat bots into the selection process. They’re still designed for primary elimination. This allows you to redistribute recruitment time and focus on the next stages of selection.

Now the conversion of candidates through chat bots has reached almost 80%, which means that candidates are already used to such bots, and this way of communication does not scare them away. If previously the bot had literally a couple of simple phrases, now they are able to effectively sell vacancies for any positions and connected artificial intelligence to give answers to the questions.


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