Recruiting tech talent - strategies for overcoming the top three barriers.
Lisa Schofield
Inclusive & advanced talent strategies | Recruiter, Talent Strategist and Problem Solver | Passionate about levelling the playing field through inclusive recruitment strategies ??????????
In 2024, tech continues to evolve at a breath-taking pace, making the recruitment of top talent more challenging than ever. This article will delve into three common barriers to recruiting tech talent today and provides actionable solutions to overcome these challenges.
1. Attracting in demand talent
A primary obstacle when it comes to attracting tech talent is the crafting of job adverts and specifications. Many job postings fail to capture the interest of potential candidates due to vague descriptions, lack of technical details, and an uninspiring portrayal of the role.
The Solution
Craft job adverts that stand out:
By providing clear and detailed information, candidates can visualize their potential contributions and the value they will bring to your organisation.? Which helps you attract candidates who are genuinely interested in the technologies and projects your company is working on.
2. Untapped Talent Pools: A Goldmine for Tech Recruitment
Many industry leaders are overlooking significant talent pools that can bridge the tech talent gap. By tapping into these groups, not only can you enhance diversity but also bring fresh perspectives and skills to your teams.
Evidence shows that inclusive hiring practices lead to a 19% increase in employee retention and a 32% increase in innovation. Therefore, a focus on diversity is not only ethically sound but also hugely advantageous.
The Solution
Expanding your search to include these untapped talent pools can significantly enhance your recruitment efforts:
To broaden your talent pools advertise salary and benefits, this helps build trust, highlights your values, and demonstrates commitment to inclusivity, equitability & overall well being.
3. Engaging Passive Candidates
The Challenge
Recent data shows that 73% of tech professionals are passive candidates, meaning they are open to new opportunities but not actively searching for them.
Companies that effectively engage passive candidates report 25% faster hiring times and 50% higher quality of hire.
Engaging these individuals requires a nuanced and strategic approach, focusing on personalised communication and clear value propositions.
The Solution
To attract passive candidates, consider the following tactics:
Recruiting top tech talent in 2024 requires a strategic approach that addresses the main barriers head-on. By crafting compelling job adverts, tapping into diverse talent pools, and engaging passive candidates, you can stand out & gain an edge when it comes to attracting and retaining top tier talent in today's competitive market.
Brookwood - Your Partner for Tech Recruitment
Brookwood are global talent partners, specialists in sourcing talent for large-scale change and digital transformation programmes.
We’ve had the privilege of partnering with distinguished organisations undergoing massive Digital Transformation Programmes. For example, we’re currently supported a leading, prestigious brand going through the largest ERP upgrade in history.
We recruit across all major roles within change programs, including CIOs, Architects, Programme/Project Managers, and Developers, as well as supporting the smooth running of day-to-day IT infrastructure.
Our consultancy approach is meticulously tailored and includes real-time talent and market trends, advanced recruitment technology, and inclusive talent strategies.
Get in touch to discuss how we can help you navigate the challenges of tech recruitment and build diverse, innovative, and high-performing teams.