Recruiting and the Holidays
There is no denying that the Holiday season affects the recruiting industry. We all get wrapped up in what we need to do outside of work and at work, end of quarter and end of year responsibilities are upon us. We often think that Business Development can take a back seat and that candidates and client needs freeze like the ice on Lake Michigan. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Human Resources departments are evaluating headcount and open requisitions for a needs vs. impact analysis. If a company did not fill a position and the business did not decline, the perception therefore becomes that next year it is considered unnecessary. Hiring managers of course need this individual but for a multitude of reasons have not filled the position. Many cities and regions are seeing highly candidate driven markets, others may be seeing candidates lacking experience or skills. For whatever reason, the position goes un-filled and others have picked up the work load to carry on and move the business forward. I like to call this developing frost bite. The devastating effects come on slowly but have a long term and painful effect.
Frost bite is detrimental for two reasons. The first is that it will take longer and require an increase in business performance to earn that position back. A decline in performance may lead to other more punitive results for employees but that is story for another time. Being from the Midwest, hence the Lake Michigan reference, requires asking for help. Every winter someone you know spins out into a ditch or gets stuck and having a team of neighbors really helps save you from freezing in your car. Sometimes literally! Recruiters are like that team of neighbors, clients should reach out and likewise for recruiters to help get those open requisitions filled before they are lost. No employee wants to continue to do the job of another person for an indefinite amount of time which can lead to turn over in the coming year and no hiring manager wants that. A New Years resolution to stay on top of hiring and recruiting is too late for 2015. If you are sitting on an open position or stuck in the ditch, flag a neighbor. Ask for help and avoid the frostbite. The short term cost is worth the long term stability and your employees will appreciate toasty toes.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!