Recruiting Bootcamp – Tip #2 for a more successful 2021… FOCUS!
I suffer from what I call undiagnosed ADD (always doing distractions). I like to tell myself it’s because I have a “curious mind” or that I’m just constantly in a “creative” mood. But, the truth of the matter is I can’t resist any shiny object that flashes across my mental landscape.
Sometimes this is great. If I need to brainstorm, I can shut off my focus center and let my thoughts run wild. But, if I actually need to accomplish something, my tendency to mentally wander is a big hindrance.
So, how do you focus? Here are some easy tips from the focus pros.
Breathe. Deep breathing not only slows down the brain, it helps provide more oxygen, which, in turn, increases concentration. It’s science. Before starting a task, closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths helps to mentally hit the pause button, allowing you to reset and get back to what you need to focus on.
Read. It can really help you re-connect with your focus. Reading another person’s perspective coupled with the pleasure of gaining knowledge while pursuing a little escapism can help your brain settle, allowing you to focus easier.
Write. Writing is the brain’s pressure relief valve. It's a great way to unclutter the mind and empty your thoughts. It forces you to slow your thoughts. While you’re going through the writing process, it can be tough. But afterwards, you'll have a warm, easy, relaxed feeling up there in your dome. I’ve written before about the importance of journaling and blogging, and I can’t stress enough how important writing is to focus and concentration. When I fail to write, I notice it. Anxiety and stress start to creep back into my day. But, by allowing my thoughts to jump out of my head and onto paper, I’m able to release it all.
Meditate. I’ve heard top-performers swear by meditation for years and years. But I must confess, in my mind, I couldn’t picture myself in a golden robe, eyes closed and thumbs meeting middle fingers curled into a circle, chanting “ohm” again and again. Thankfully, that’s not mediation. Or at least it’s not the type of mediation I’m talking about. Mediation is nothing more than finding peace in a quiet place. It’s about finding solitude… not just from others, but from worries and pressures of life. It’s a few moments to give your mind a break and allow it to ignore everything. You'll find afterwards the focus flows.
To focus on the hard things, you will need to practice and keep at it. Now decluttering my mind is easy. Focusing is easy. And when I can focus, I can accomplish the necessary tasks ahead of me that keep the wheels turning, helping me to live up to my potential.
If you’ll try these four things, I know you’ll be able to focus too. Good luck.