Recruiting Bootcamp Tip #11 - MOTIVATE DAILY
It’s Monday morning. The caffeine hasn’t hit yet. That laptop isn’t even warm. The phone mocks you… but you shake it off. It’s time to kick ass! It’s time to remember just how good you are and how committed you are to your goals. So…
Don’t let Fear beat you!
In recruiting, we live with rejection. And no one likes to be rejected. But guess what? That’s part of the job description. You don’t want to chance being rejected? Get a puppy. The Fear of Rejection is real, but it’s also an excuse. And it has absolutely no relevance to your success unless you allow it to overtake you. Get over it. This is where top recruiters earn those top incentives and amazing reputations. Right here, right now, the winnowing begins.
Focus on What Can Go Right… Not What Can Go Wrong!
What good does it do you to worry and visualize all the things that could go wrong? Worried about making that cold call? What good does that do? All focusing on the negative will do is make you more fearful and make work less enjoyable. Focus on the positive…what could go RIGHT! Visualize having a great call! What good will that do you? All it can do is help.
Don’t anticipate failure. Stop worrying. If you do get rejected, fine. Move on. Always remember that if someone is nasty to you, that says much more about their personal worth than it does yours.
Get Going! Life Rewards Action!
Need motivation to get on the phone? Do you find it challenging to begin your call list? Good news! You’re NORMAL! Everyone goes through that from time to time.
But don’t let simple call aversion or procrastination steal your potential. Want a sure-fire way to overcome your reluctance and helped you start making more calls?
Make your “money-now” calls first. Have conversations that push a deal forward. Start your day with the calls that have the highest probability of moving things in a positive direction and you’ll be amazed at how much energy you suddenly have to stay on the phone.
Remember Who You Are and What You Bring!
You add value! Every single business on the planet since the history of time has relied on people. It’s the primary resource for all business. And you’re the one who delivers this resource. Think about that for a moment. You have the ability to grasp the essence of a business need and deliver the single most important resource to fill that critical need. You ADD VALUE! Trust the very instinct and experience that’s served you well in the past to serve you now.
Take a Deep Breath, Jump, and Grab that Brass Ring!
Have courage to step up to the job at hand. Seize the opportunity. Master your fears. Lead the charge for your organization. Be the one to assertively lead. You can’t reach the brass ring with one foot on ground. Take a deep breath and make the conscious choice to move forward with conviction, determination and confidence in your ability. Believe in yourself! You can do this!