Are These Recruiters Real or Fake?

Are These Recruiters Real or Fake?

More and more these days, I find my voicemail and my email accounts are being bombed with shady and deceptive recruiters leaving me all kinds of messages saying "we have a great opportunity for you." These opportunities they mentioned are often in some far away state, despite my profile on Linkedin, Indeed and Career Builder shows that I live in the Atlanta Metro Area. Anyways what I am being faced with is that these mass produce recruiters all seem to send the same or similarly worded emails that state "for X amount of dollars the job could be yours, by sending your updated resume and be prepared to do a Skype interview." Well, I have applied to so many of these jobs being offered however none of these recruiters can ever get me a job. It is becoming such a big thing these days that all these companies are able to recruit US citizens and residents from being located in another part of the world, however, their method of getting someone a genuine job seems far from it... I also wonder if when they get someone'sn resume with all their details if where ever they are from if they are not creating a huge database with all these information for another future purpose, example marketing or selling the data. I have been in the IT Industry for more than 22 years and this is just pitiful that these companies have so much access to people that live here. I ask myself lately what has gone wrong? I can count with five fingers the amount of American recruiting agencies that have called me about a job. So I assuming that most recruiting agencies in the USA must have gone out of business or they are simply outnumbered by the recruiting forces from the other side of the planet. It is all good in my opinion if an agency irrespective of who they are or where they are from can or be able to really help someone find a real job, as long as their motive is genuine.

It is hard when someone gets in touch with a single mom or dad who truly needs to get back to work to feed their family and to find out that the person they were working with just don't have the capability of helping them. In my opinion, I do believe that the recruiting of help for companies has gone nuts and someone in our government needs to step in to protect the American people from these vicious and useless folks who claim that they are going to help people find a job. It is wasting peoples time and resources. No one should have to be dealing with these spammers and fake recruiters. What we all need is to find agencies that understand what is happening to the unemployed worker's of the world and not for people to get stressed out from folks who are simply not able to do anything to help them. Therefore before you spend your time and the resources to communicate via the Internet and phone by getting in touch with anyone that claims they are going to help you, do your research. Right now there is a shortage of IT professionals not just in the USA but globally. However, with that being said, take Joe, for example, he has been trying to get an IT job since October after an assignment completed. He is a full-time student who is working on his BS which he will complete in 2020 in addition to his other degree. The only ways of applying for jobs are through job boards and these recruiters who live on the other side of the planet. I am however thankful for God who helps to guide me as I am also trying to get my own IT business off the ground. It has been 3 years or more since I started to put my thoughts and work into getting this business fully operational. Whatever we are doing in life it takes proper planning as well as strong goals to accomplish our dream.

Anyways a word of encouragement to those who are trying to find a job, never give up hope and keep going by believing in the hard work and the foundation that your parents have created for you. Remember nothing in life come easy, and we must never forget those who have made a great sacrifice so that we can celebrate another 4th of July Independence. Be strong and be committed to finding a better life for yourself and your family. Keep going even when you are faced with a situation where someone has taken your information and claims that they are going to find you that job. Try and try until you succeed, it may seem rough now, however somewhere other than where you are someone is having it worst. Just rise up each day and face your challenges with a positive attitude and that your day of having a job will come. The day you did not try is the day you may miss out on your big opportunity. I do believe when we suffer it is a part of what makes us even stronger mentally and physically. Take each day with the courage of knowing everything is going to be all right, just keep going and never give up.

Brian D. W. Johnson

"Live and just BELIEVE"


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