Recovery is Possible.
Meditative Movements
Be Healthier, Happier, Feel Whole Meditative Movements Strengthens Your Body, Empower Your Mind, Energize Your Spirit
Yes recovery from any addiction is possible. My 45 year recovery journey has proven to be priceless. As I continue to learn and allow life to happen without holding on, I are free. This is my intent for your as well.
Any other time we are out of this precious moment, we suffer. Addictions come in all shapes and sizes and actually are used to restrict life. It is not limited to the more popular ones like drug, alcohol, smoking, food, gambling, other people. Whenever we define ourselves by the external and are not present fully in the moment, we have a problem. Becoming aware of our rich internal worlds is the key to changing our barriers to our own happiness.
May you experience more freedom from your addictions by practicing our Meditative Movements. In honor of September Recovery Month, we are providing you with three Meditative Movements? that coincide with the first three steps of the 12 Step Recovery Program. Here's Step 1: I Admit Meditative Movement.
Channeling Your Addictive Energies: Enabling Possibilities
Read my Channeling Your Addictive Energies: Enabling Possibilities?published by?The Phoenix Spirit. It is a bi-monthly publication for people actively working on their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being.
Invited Upcoming Yes to Life Class
You are invited to join me for an awesome journey into how you are saying YES to LIFE. You will receive so much more than the nominal fee you are paying for the class.
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