Recovery Coaching - Let's Talk!
"What's it all about? R-E-C-O-V-E-R-Y!" Today, I had the pleasure of participating in a live discussion about Recovery Coaching hosted by Rochester's ROCovery Fitness. Fearless young broadcaster, Chelsea Kehrli, led the conversation, which included her colleague, Eric Fitzpatrick, and Recovery Coach University founder, Lori Drescher, CARC-RCP.
In describing collaborative and purposeful conversation as the core coaching activity, we agreed on the vital importance of bringing person-centered coaching to the "prevention-treatment-recovery" continuum of care. "Coaching conversations help identify and resolve ambivalence around change," said Drescher, citing motivational interviewing as a coaching skill. Other speakers noted the SAMSHA definition of recovery as, "a process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential."
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ROCovery Fitness is a supportive community of physically active individuals brought together by sober living, committed to creating an environment of healing and recovery. Members, friends and families are empowered to discover their inner strength and confidence through adventure, fun and camaraderie -