Recovering Environmental Losses
After a strenuous legal battle, BARBUSS secured a decisive victory against a public water supply concessionaire. The company was condemned for poor sewage management, causing leaks that affected the community. The court ruled in favor of strict liability, now awaiting the appeal judgment.
After an intense legal battle, BARBUSS achieved a significant victory against a public water supply concessionaire (0040714-62.2021.8.19.0001). The supply company failed in sewage management, causing a leak that started in the basement of the insured company, reaching the neighborhood.
The insured activated their coverage under the Environmental Damage policy. Once the payment was made for the benefit of the insured, a lawsuit was filed against the concessionaire.
In a notable decision, the court ruled on the strict civil liability of the concessionary company, ordering it to reimburse the losses incurred by the insurance company. The case is now awaiting the judgment on an appeal filed by the defendant.