Recover your investments
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step - Lao Tzu?
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Financial tip ??
It took me 4 years to master the world ?? of entry level investing. I am now pleased to say that I can safely get investing returns ranging from 10% to 20% a year as of February 2024.?I am also pleased to say that I am able to do this for the rest of my life. I realised that investing has a simple entry point and I read extensively to understand what it was.?
Today I will share with you how you can improve your investing experience so that you can get steady returns.
1, Stay safe
When investing you need to be logical. What are you going to own and why? You need to learn about what you own so that you understand why it’s making money you money ?? or why it’s losing you money ???
2, Don’t listen to people who won’t show you their overall results
Investments will lose money now and again but over time you should see growth in your portfolio over a 3 to 5 year period. If this isn’t the case then you have chosen the wrong investments. This is because markets grow by about 10% a year so you should be seeing growth in your investments. If you do not see growth you need to know why and correct this.?
3, Expect results
There are lots of funds out there that can generate you steady, safe long term results. It’s easy to average 10% returns if you have money to invest over several years? Below is an insight into a client account belonging to a child called Zane. I worked on his portfolio to bring it from -13% loss in 2021 to a 32% return in less than 3 years. One of his best investments has given him a mind blowing ?? return of over 283% Transitioning from a Saver to an Investor is very safe and very easy to do when you understand how investing works.
Best wishes,
Annette aka Saver?to?Investor
If you want to be empowered to manage money better and build wealth, please read my book in 2024: How to Save £10,000 on a low-income, available on Amazon.?
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Instagram: savertoinvestor
Email: [email protected]