Recordkeeping in the Bitcoin Blockchain Network
Ranjeet Bhargava ?
SWE /Data Delivery Lead & CSA | Strategic Development for SW Projects- Disciplined Agile Practitioner -Tech Lead - DevOps SAaaS PaaS, IaaS, Data Platform .Net Modern Apps || Ex-Optum{UHG} || Ex-Microsoft
Bitcoin Blockchain Network
As of now , you may learnt about the evolution of blockchain and its various layers. In this section, you will learn about the Bitcoin blockchain network which was the first blockchain network created by Satoshi Nakamoto. Let’s first hear from .. what a Bitcoin blockchain network is.
Bitcoin was the first implementation of the blockchain and it has many use cases. In the bitcoin network, a transaction is performed between two nodes and the transaction is flooded across the entire network. All the nodes in the network validate the transaction and add it to their transaction pool in case the transaction is valid otherwise reject it. Each node has its own transaction pool that it maintains. All the transactions that are validated as valid are placed inside the transaction pool.
All the above-mentioned process are a part of the record keeping mechanism of the blockchain network. Next, you will look into the record keeping in detail.
Recordkeeping in the Bitcoin Blockchain Network
There are several methods in which records are maintained in networks. One of the basic methods is the Account/Balance model that you saw previously wherein balance related to every account is maintained. Bitcoin uses a different mechanism for record keeping. Let’s learn about that as part of the next video.
video 1
Bitcoin uses the concept of unspent transaction output (UTXO) for record keeping. Every transaction in a bitcoin is based upon an unspent transaction output (UTXO). Whenever a transaction is performed in bitcoin, it primarily consumes existing UTXOs called as inputs and creates new UTXOs called outputs. The outputs generated from a transaction can be utilized further in the network by the node.
There are two ways to get the UTXO in a bitcoin network: Either from another node in the network or as a network reward. Let’s analyze a sample transaction in the network and see how the UTXO model works.
Each UTXO corresponds to a particular addreess i.e?a particular public key. The corresponding private key is used to unlock and spend that UTXO. This?private key corresponds to the owner of the UTXO which is required to unlock and spend that UTXO.?Once spent, that UTXO is again locked with the public key of the new owner. Now since it is locked with the public key of the new owner, it requires the private key of the new owner to be unlocked and spent again.
UTXO Model
What is the primary difference between UTXO model and Account/Balance model?
Suggested Answer
The UTXO model stores only the transaction outputs of a node while?the Account/Balance model stores the entire balance of the nodes in the network. In UTXO model, if a node, with no intial UTXOs?recieves 7 Bitcoins from 2 different transactions?- Transaction 1 gives 3 Bitcoins and Transaction 2 gives 4 Bitcoins, instead of maintaining the total balance as 7 Bitcoins, the ledger maintains that this node has 2 transaction outputs one worth 3 Bitcoins, another worth 4 Bitcoins and does not maintain the total balance as 7 Bitcoins. Just like the wallet you keep does not tell you the total amount you have. You have to manually add all currency notes to get the total amount. Now if one wish to spend 2 Bitcoins, we don't have an option of transferring 2 Bitoins from our account like we do in online baking in our current system. We have to spend either of the unspent transactions we have with us. Either the one with 3 Bitcoins or the one with 4 Bitcoins. If we chose to spend the one with 3 Bitcoins, we get back 1 Bitcoin as change. This new 1 Bitcoin?becomes new Unspent Transaction ouput in the node's ledger.?
In Account Balance model, the total balance is maintained. In the above case it would have been something like - Node A has 7 Bitcoins in total. Now if this node wants to transfer 2.5 Bitcoins to some other node, it can do so and it's balance shall be updated as 4.5 Bitcoins. Again the analogy is that in your physical wallet, if you want to give someone Rs 17,and your wallet has one Rs 20 note and another Rs 500 note,?you have to give him let's say a Rs 20 note?and the person gives you the change. This is what UTXO model looks like. For account balance model, think of it as you transferring the required money from your account to the person's account and your balance is updated. No need of taking back the change etc.?
Account Balance in UTXO Model
Each UTXO corresponds to a particular addreess i,e?a particular public key. The corresponding private key is used to unlock and spend that UTXO. This?private key corresponds to the owner of the UTXO which is required to unlock and spend that UTXO.?Once spent, that UTXO is again locked with the public key of the new owner. Now sice it is locked with the public key of the new owner, it requires the private key of the new owner to be unlocked and spent. Now we know that there is no total balance (sum of all UTXOs for a particular node) stored locally on blockchain for a particular node. Do you think there is any way for the node to check it's total balance(sum of all the UTXOs he/she owns)??
? Correct
There is a wallet corresponding to every node. Wallet balance is an abstraction to make Bitcoin look like more conventional payment systems. Wallet indicates your total balance. If the wallet indicates that your total balance is 3 .5BTC it means that the sum of all UTXOs corresponding to your public address is worth 3.5BTC. When it comes to spending, you only have an option of spending a UTXO discretly and it can not be spent partially. The wallet just lets you know that all the UTXOs you own sum up to 3.5BTC
Let's learn about something new called Transaction fee ?
So?transaction fee is the fee paid to the miner over and above the reward it gets for mining the block.?Try to answer the questions below to aid your understanding.
Transaction Fee
Mining reward includes the transaction fee as well
? Correct
Transaction fee is over and above the flat mining reward the miner gets for mining a block. Transaction fee is paid by the initiator of the transaction to the miner. The miner tends to pick and choose those transactions first which have a transaction fee associated with them. Those which does not have a transaction fee associated with them tend to be picked later to be added to a block.
? Incorrect
Transaction fee is over and above the flat mining reward the miner gets for mining a block. Transaction fee is paid by the initiator of the transaction to the miner. The miner tends to pick and choose those transaction first which have a transaction fee associated with them