Record and Play 3D Printed Robotic Arm using Arduino
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Robotic Arms have proved themselves useful and more productive in many applications where speed, accuracy and safety is required. But to me, what’s more than that is these things are cool to look at when they work. I have always wished for a robotic arm that could help me with my daily works just like Dum-E and Dum-U that Tony stark uses in his lab. These two bots can be seen helping him while building the Iron man suits or filming his work using a video camera. Actually Dum-E has also saved his life once....... and this is where I would like to stop it because this is no fan Page. Apart from the fictional world there are many cool real world Robotic Arms made by Fanuc, Kuka, Denso, ABB, Yaskawa etc. These robotic arms are used in Production line of automobiles, mining plants, Chemical industries and many other places.
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