The odds of getting an Immigration Officer to overturn their decision by submitting a reconsideration request is just about the same as winning tomorrow’s night Lotto Max draw for $24 million.

Mother submits a Parental H&C application by a different representative trying to keep her parents in Canada permanently. When her child became ill it was because of her divorce 4 years previously instead of what was really bothering her son in the first place. No immigration officer gives a dam that you or he got stressed out during a divorce. How many Canadian have gone through a messy divorce but that is no reason to let someone remain in Canada permanently.

The issues should be focused on (BIOC) Best Interest of The Child. The bond he has with grandparents and how the grandparents are helping this boy to become a better man.

The mother was given the reasons for refusal, which were in great detail.

  1. She then went to her Member of Parliament and accomplished nothing.
  2. She then filed a reconsideration request that was also refused.
  3. She considered filing an appeal to the Federal Court based on her reasons her parents should of been approved from the submissions. Lawyers charge $6,500.00 to $9,500.00 with no guarantee of approval so that idea died.
  4. Now she has hired Canvisa Immigration to submit another "Parental" based H&C application. The reason why is because I have won several H&C applications based on parental sponsorship short comings.

This families above in the photo won after losing from a major Law Firm. It was when the huge Law Firm "Waldman and Associates" lost her H&C and this families appeal to the Federal Court.

Then their next-door neighbor won their H&C application by me based on the lack of fair parental sponsorship. When they came to retain us, they found our fees far below their Lawyers fees. It took me three consultations to cvonvince the Mother her H&C submissioins were not very good.

Now still others complain my H&C fees are also too high!

Yet I win with the same argument ever time!

#immigration #immigrationlaw #consultant #consultingservices #humanitarian #reconciliation

Roy Kellogg

CICC R413103


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