Mark Weston
Founder/Artist/Developer, The Weston System Non-Surgical Hair Restoration (SMP)
If you are a man who is considering one of the scalp micropigmentation multi session application methods, it is time you rethink these types of applications.
For years, Mark Weston has been criticized as to his claim of delivering one-appointment only permanent scalp micropigmentation. For instance, a self-proclaimed authority in this field as quoted a couple of years ago:
What the above “authority” does not understand or even admit to acknowledging, is that Weston developed specific equipment and a method that works and is now a registered patent. Weston is a “major provider” and was even the first scalp micropigmentation provider in the USA.
Weston has been performing his one-time, permanent scalp pigmentations since 2009 successfully. Only someone like Weston with 40 years experience and his contributions to the scalp micropigmentation field could have researched and developed a patent for a needle and method. Weston does not care about “making a killing,” but only to offer the best scalp pigmentation available and the most cost-effective for clients. Weston’s proven track record since 2009 speaks for itself.
WHY ARE MULTI-SESSIONS EVEN REQUIRED IN THE FIRST PLACE?The reasons for the “major providers” being unable to offer a single session is clearly explained and demonstrated in Weston’s video above in conjunction with the US Patent Office's findings:
An exact quote from the USPTO in Weston's issued patent: "Single pin tattoo needles are available. However, a single pin needle would not function well, if at all, since (unlike a three pin needle) it may not draw in or retain ink, or the ink may be rubbed off the needle as the needle pierces the skin. Moreover, any ink that may be retained by a single pin needle would eventually fade away completely requiring re-application thereby being also difficult to create a realistic pattern of simulated hair follicles. Thus, prior art needles are unsatisfactory.”
Multi-sessions providers openly admit that their method fades in between each session. This brings up another matter. Not every person is a viable candidate for scalp micropigmentation. These companies claim that additional sessions are needed because of the following:
- skin condition(s) such as:
- psoriasis
- eczema
- seborrheic dermatitis
- excessively dry scalp or dandruff
- excessive scarring from hair transplants
- poor scalp hygiene
In cases of on-going skin conditions, the client is not even a candidate. Excessively dry skin or dandruff must be dealt prior in order for any scalp micropigmentation treatment to proceed.
The extent of any client's hair transplant scars must be properly assessed for the technician's capabilities. Providers must learn to say "no" for the benefit of the client and refrain from seeking to pad their own bottom line at the client's expense. Clients should not have to pay for additional "sessions" because their scalp was not properly assessed in the first place.
MULTI-SESSION HIDDEN COSTS Keep these costs in mind when researching pricing. Depending on the provider, there is an initial quote, then any needed sessions past the first two or three are charged on an average of $500 to $800 per additional per session. If the technician is inexperienced and you are required to have additional sessions, the cost per additional session falls on you. This may very well be an unanticipated cost until you proceed through your “sessions.” Returning for numerous sessions multiple times for completion drives up the cost of the application, bearing travel and lodging expenses each time or time off work. In addition, until your final “treatment” is completed 4 to 6 weeks later, you are temporarily left with an unfinished scalp pigmentation.
If you are on a budget, multi-sessions can be an enticement, as they permit you to pay for each “session” separately so you would have 4 to 6 weeks to pay for your application. However, if you don’t have the budget, you are forever left with an unfinished scalp pigmentation. We have seen dozens of half-completed multi-session procedures.
Some companies entice you with a low introductory cost of $399.00 but require you to have 9 sessions. The end cost? $3591 and you have to return 9 times. So how is this really a savings with time off work, travel and other added expenses.
In addition, multi-session methods (SMP-MS) will eventually cause scarring. See Scalp Micropigmentation Multi-Sessions Scarring.
MULTI-SESSION COMPLETION TIME The time frame for each appointment for the multi-session procedures are only a few hours each (averaging about 3 hours each) and require that your application be done in three to five sessions over a period of many weeks, even as many as nine reported. This also permits providers to steadily keep a large volume of customers by scheduling several men per day. Each Weston Center artists gives their full attention to completing one client at a time, not working on several men during any one day. Working on more than one man per day in a procedure room also opens up sterilization issues.
CLAIM FOR PERMANENCY Many of these providers claim their treatments are “permanent,” lasting up to seven years. Permanent is defined as the following: “existing perpetually; everlasting, especially without significant change.” But what they are claiming is clearly temporary, most lasting only for a few years. Clients should be used as residual income, having to pay for reapplications every few years coupled with the same expenses incurred for the first “treatment.”
Every time a scalp is tattooed, a tint of color remains that does not entirely diminish. This then becomes compounded with each application. There is also another major concern with constant reapplications. Each application of the needle is scarring the scalp and when you keep scarring the skin, soon it will not retain the pigment at all, or remain in patches.
Even after their scalp pigmentation, many men wish to continue use of Minoxidil. However, the plant-based temporary pigments that are mostly used are affected by alcohol in Minoxidil and will contribute further to pre-mature fading.
MULTI-SESSION AFTERCARE The aftercare for these “session” treatments require you to not wash your scalp for a minimum of three days after each session. Apparently, a sink bath is all you can do for these first three days. Not very hygienic, but then you are permitted to wash with water only on the fourth day (no soap or shampoo). And remember, this routine is for at least three separate sessions for many weeks. You are permitted only to take a “real shower” a week after each session. You’re safe now so you don’t wash out the pigment that was barely placed in the scalp. In addition to little pigment retention from the inappropriate needle, these pigments are plant-based and this is also why the multi-session pigments fade so very quickly and need to be reapplied after several years.
And remember, this must be repeated after each session. If you are required to have more sessions, again no water, showering or shampooing. So within a month’s time with three sessions, you have gone without a ‘real” shower for almost three weeks. But think about the cost of the shampoo and water you have saved.
[caption id="attachment_13000" align="alignleft" width="493"] Do these "replicated" follicles really resemble real hair follicles?[/caption]
MULTI-SESSION END LOOK Since a blanket of points is placed at each session, eventually multi-sessions can result in nearly a solid fill. Points can be placed on top of each other or too close together, also ending in a solid fill or fully shaded look. (See featured photo). Multi-sessions cannot produce an individual pointillism application with natural scalp skin showing through like a normal, healthy scalp. (See top left insert). Compare what this photo is claiming as "real" follicles to the claim of the multi-session replicated follicles. The "real" follicles as well as the alleged replicated ones look nothing like the real follicle insert. Multi-session companies also claim that numerous sessions are required in order to achieve a "3-D" look.
THE WESTON SYSTEM END LOOK Now compare the look of the one-session only Weston System. The replicated follicles are clear, distinct and individual points identical to the insert of real hair follicles.