Reconnecting to the Team’s Purpose

Reconnecting to the Team’s Purpose

Written By: Adele Fraser, BA BED CPHR PCC IRG Associate Coach

I recently hosted a workshop for an organization that was reviewing their business’ values to build the foundation that they could then layer working agreements on to. As the work progressed over a number of weeks it became clear that there was a step missing between identifying the values and creating the working agreements-- what was the promise that the business would deliver while being guided by its values and staying true to its working agreements?

What was their purpose?

Without a clear purpose, there wasn’t a clear action for the values and agreements to support. Therefore, before agreeing to the conditions for how the team would operate together, it was imperative to clarify the purpose of the team.?

2022 required that teams focussed on leading/managing virtually and honoring diversity/ inclusion to create the perfect conditions for hybrid work.

And… as those needs were met, have team’s stayed true to their purpose?

Through the last few years, many teams have been restructured, experienced growth and attrition and have had to learn how to respond to the ever-changing needs of stakeholders.?

And…have the newly formed teams discovered their purpose for being a team?

The pandemic required individuals and families to physically isolate which invited them to get in touch with purpose and meaning on a personal or family level. It saw people selling homes, buying property, moving across the country to be closer to loved ones or investing in a hobby or passion they hadn’t had the time to before.?

AND…as we have returned our focus to work, have teams invited the individuals to rediscover their collective purpose at work?

Peter Hawkins explores a team’s purpose from a Systemic Team Coaching lens and offers- the purpose creates the team, not the team their purpose. The team’s purpose exists before a team comes into being, for it is the WHY the team is created. It is what gives birth to the team. Thus, the team cannot create its own purpose, but has to discover it.

A few questions team’s can consider, to discover or reconnect to their purpose:

  • Why does the team exist?
  • Who does the team serve?
  • What does it produce collectively that is better than if done individually?
  • What is the future requiring from the team?

Having a clear purpose for working team’s has been shown to: attract and retain top talent, support better health, realize better business growth, promote happiness and productivity.?

With all the benefits of a clear team purpose to consider, has your team scheduled their annual purpose check-up yet?


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