Reconciliation posts
This is a compilation of links to posts that I have made in relation to reconciliation with the First Peoples in Australia (which I will continue to maintain).
Most popular posts
Why would I? 25-Jan-25
To the Australian First Peoples 16-Oct-23
New Dutton repellant 11-Dec-24
The ground is shifting ... 16-Jul-24
An open letter to No voters 23-Oct-23
Walking with First Peoples 10-Mar-24
New variants of racism emerging 02-Jun-24
Who is reconciling with whom? 16-Mar-24
Cherbourg reclaims truth-telling process 20-Nov-24
Not all that is called racism is racism 02-Jan-24
Rose coloured glasses? 20-Jan-24
Missed opportunity 16-Feb-24
Sound start for SA Voice 07-Mar-24
An alternate view ... 17-Oct-24
Prouder of Australia 02-Feb-24
Imagine if ... 02-Nov-24
Exercising power 23-Feb-24
Indigenous Voice
It's divisive! 16-Dec-24
SA Voice making headway 27-Aug-24
Hearing the Indigenous voice? 20-May-24
Sound start for SA Voice 07-Mar-24
Sound start for SA Voice (cont'd) 08-Mar-24
Racism is a distraction ... 13-Nov-24
New variants of racism emerging 02-Jun-24
Becoming "aracial"? 29-Apr-24
Beyond "race"? 22-Mar-24
Am I an implicit racist? 11-Feb-24
Not all that is called racism is racism 02-Jan-24
Truth and Justice
Truth-telling causes division? 10-Dec-24
Cherboug reclaims truth-telling process 20-Nov-24
Truth about truth-telling 19-Nov-24
Unprecedented attack 31-Oct-24
What does this say about accountability? 03-Nov-24
Imagine if ... 02-Nov-24
Unprecedented attack ... 01-Nov-24
Necessity of treaty 29-Sep-24
January 26
Advocating for a change of date 30-Jan-25
Why would I? 25-Jan-25
Prouder of Australia 02-Feb-24
A lesson from USA for Australians 10-Feb-25
SA Allies Network 16-Jan-25
Embracing our humanity ... 10-Jan-25
Better governance and reconciliation 21-Dec-24
New Dutton repellant 11-Dec-24
Allyship New Year resolutions 10-Dec-24
Accident of birth ... 16-Sep-24
Stay true to Uluru 22-Aug-24
The ground is shifting ... 16-Jul-24
Truth-telling, yarning and story 24-Jun-24
Treaty mindsets? 20-Jun-24
Inevitability of treaty? 17-Jun-24
Looking backwards to move forward 16-Jun-24
It takes two to tango ... 06-May-24
Reconciling world-views 22-Apr-24
Different listening? 19-Apr-24
Different thinking? 16-Apr-24
Different languages? 12-Apr-24
Walking with First Peoples 10-Mar-24
Questioning motivations 01-Mar-24
Who is reconciling with whom? 16-Mar-24
Moving on from the Referendum ... 25-Feb-24
Asking hard questions 09-Feb-24
Reconciliation or assimilation? 27-Jan-24
Rose coloured glasses 20-Jan-24
Not all that seems unfair is unfair 09-Jan-24
Next steps towards reconciliation 22-Nov-23
Amplifying misunderstandings and lies 30-Nov-24
Dwindling majority 29-Nov-24
An alternate view ... 17-Oct-24
When will we understand ... 12-Oct-24
Right side of history? 23-Aug-24
Tri-partisan support 02-Mar-24
Exercising power 23-Feb-24
Missed opportunity 16-Feb-24
Rights of making representations? 14-Jan-24
Irony of Voice of division 28-Nov-23
An open letter to No Voters 23-Oct-23
To our Australian First Peoples 16-Oct-23
Threat to our sense of fairness? 9-Oct-23
The Voice to Parliament is about ... 27-Jul-23
The Voice to Parliament as I see it ... 30-May-23
As 14-Oct-24, on the anniversary of the Meaningful Recognition Referendum, there are now 56 posts, organised under the headings of: - Most popular posts (11 posts from across all topics) - Indigenous voice (4 posts) - Racism (5 posts) - Truth and justice (2 posts) - Reconciliation (26 posts) - Referendum (19 posts) Plus several longer articles
I have further refined this growing collection of posts (nearly 50 now) to cover: - Most popular posts - Indigenous voice (1 post) - Racism (5 posts) - Reconciliation (23 posts) - Referendum (16 posts) - Articles (longer items)
I have updated this collection to include links to the most popular posts, and to separate the posts into two themes: - Reconciliation (16 posts) - Referendum (14 posts) (As at 15-Apr-24)