Recommended Reading and My Reuters Pic of the Week
Michael F.
CEO | President | Board Member | Digital Transformer | Global Leader | Media Expert
Welcome back to my recommended reading list, with pieces this week on how lockdowns will take their own toll on health, the end of the screen-time debate and the restorative power of ritual. This week's picture, by Reuters photojournalist Benoit Tessier, shows medical staff wearing protective suits and face masks as they work at the intensive care unit for COVID-19 patients at Ambroise Pare clinic in Neuilly-sur-Seine near Paris, France, April 1, 2020.
Read on for this week's picks...
Researchers warn the COVID-19 lockdown will take its own toll on health
Three weeks after the United States and other countries took sweeping suppression steps that could last months or more, some public health specialists are exploring a different consequence of the mass shutdown: the thousands of deaths likely to arise unrelated to the disease itself.
Coronavirus Ended the Screen-Time Debate. Screens Won.
As people around the world continue to quarantine, many are giving up on the debate and surrendering to their screens.
The Restorative Power of Ritual
In this piece, Professor Mike Norton from Harvard Business School offers a look at how rituals can have a powerful effect on wellbeing.
From Wuhan to the rest of the world: Numbers that reveal how Covid-19 hit 1m global infections
As the number of coronavirus cases surpasses one million, here's a look at how the virus spread with such speed around the world.
Take Five: Life in the time of corona
This weekly piece lays out five big themes likely to dominate the thinking of investors and traders in the coming week.
See how Philly’s iconic sites have changed since the spread of the coronavirus
Photographers in Philly have documented how some of the city's most iconic sites have changed since the coronavirus outbreak.
Michael Friedenberg is the President of Reuters News. He was previously CEO of IDG Communications and President of CXO Media. Michael is a voracious reader with a particular interest in the news and publishing industries, digital transformation and all things Philly...