Recommended books which have value to read for additional leadership learnings/understanding suggested by Dr. Brian Willett (8/14/19)

Recommended Leadership books which have value in the areas of Research & Product Development, Management, Leadership, Problem Solving & Decision Making, Innovation & Creativity, Technical & Project Management, Teams and Team Dynamics, Workplace Culture & Cognitive Psychology (understanding people's motivations and biases), Business Strategy, Personal Improvement, Trust, Six Sigma, Future Forecasting and Communication Skills for Leadership learning/improvement/understanding suggested by Dr. Brian Willett (Updated thru 8/14/19) for technical employees, technical leaders and technical management to read (in my opinion) for additional leadership learning.

[Title Author(s) Year Published]

Understanding Management and the Role of Managers

Managers communication toolkit: Tools & techniques for leading difficult personalities by Tina Kuhn  2019

From Supervisor to Super Leader by Shanda Miller 2019

Mind Tools for Managers: 100 ways to be a better boss by James Manktelow and Julian Burkenshaw  2018

Corporate Homocide by Jerry Feingold  2018

The Start Up Way by Eric Ries  2017

Suddenly in charge 2nd ed by Roberta Matuson  2017

Influence without Authority by Allen Cohen and David Bradford  2017

The Managers Path by Camille Fournier  2017

Managing the Millennials by Chip Espinoza and Mick Ukleja  2016

First Break all the rules by Jim Harter and Marcus Buckingham  2016

The Effective Manager by Mark Horstman  2016

The 27 challenges managers face by Bruce Tulgan  2014

Six simple rules: How to manage complexity without getting complicated by Ives Morieux and Peter Tollman   2014 

All in: How the best managers create a culture of belief by Adrian Gostick  2012

Great by Choice by Jim Collins   2011

12: The elements of great managing by Rodd Wagner and James Harter  2006

Visualizating Project Management by Kevin Forberg, Hal Mooz and Howard Cotterman  2005

Against the Gods: The remarkable story of risk by Peter Bernstein   1998

The Executive in Action by Peter Drucker  1996

Understanding People, Their Biases & Motivations and How They Think

The Influential mind: What the brain reveals about our power to change others by Tali Sharot  2018

When by Daniel Pink  2018

Algorithms to Live By by Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths  2016

Mindwise: Why we misunderstand what others think, believe, feel and want by Nicholas Epley   2015        

The Why Axis: Hidden Motives and the Undiscovered Economics of Everyday life by Uri Gneezy and John List  2013

The Optimism Bias: A tour of the irrationally positive brain by Tali Sharot  2012

Why We Make Mistakes by Joseph Hallinan  2009

Leadership: Types, Skills, Behaviors and Attributes

Learning to lead by Ron Williams and Karl Weber  2019

From Supervisor to Super Leader by Shanda Miller  2019

Leadership: Defy Conventional wisdom for breakthrough performance by Sara Canady    2019

Supreme leadership Gain 850 years of wisdom from successful business leaders by Alinka Rutkowski  2018

Back to Human: How great leaders create connection in the age of isolation by Dan Schawbel   2018

Good Authority: How to become the leader your team is waiting for by Jonathon Raymond  2018

The meaning revolution: The power of transcendant leadership by Fred Kofman and Reid Hoffman  2018

The Long Distance Leader by Kevin Eikenberry and Wayne Turmel  2018

Brave Leadership by Kimberely Davis  2018

HBR's 10 Must Reads on Women and Leadership by Harvard Business Review  2018

Connecting the Dots by John Chambers and Diane Brady  2018

The Leadership Code by Britton Costa  2018

Taking point: A Navy SEAL's 10 failsafe principles for leading through change by Brent Gleason  2018

The Laws of Invincible Leadership by Ryuho Okawa  2018

Leading at a higher level by Ken Blanchard  2018

Leadership skills that inspire incredible results by Fred Halstead  2018

Becoming a Fearless leader: A simple guide to taking control and building happy, productive, highly performing teams by Elizabeth Shassere    2018

Brave Leadership: Unleash your most confident, powerful and authentic self by Kimberly Davis  2018

Catalyst: Leadership & strategy in a changing world by Joseph Kopser and Bret Boyd  2018

Counter Mentor Leadership by Kelly Riggs and Robby Riggs  2018

Project team leadership and communication by Samuel Malachowsky  2018

The Ordinary Leader: 10 key insights for building and leading a thriving organizations by Randy Grieser        2017

Creating Great Choices: A Leaders guide to integrative thinking by Jennifer Riel and Roger Martin  2017

How to work with and lead people not like you by Kelly McDonald  2017

Speed: How leaders accelerate successful execution by John Zengar and Joseph Folkman       2017

The Inspiration Code by Kristi Hedges  2017

Spark: How to lead yourself and others to greater success by Angie Morgen, Courtney Lynch and Sean Lynch  2017

The magnetic leader: How irresistable leaders attract employes, customers and profits by Roberta Matuson  2017

The Power of Positive Leadership by Jon Gordon  2017

The 9 types of leadership by Beatrice Chestnut  2017

Leading the Unleadable by Alan Willett  2017

The Influence Effect: A new path to power for women leaders by Kathryn Heath et al  2017

The New Leadership Literacies by Bob Johnsen  2017

Leading gracefully: A women's guide to confident, authentic and effective leadership by Monique Tallon  2016

Technical minds: Fundamentals of Dynamic Team Leadership by Ara Nazarian  2016

Small acts of leadership: 12 intentional behaviors that lead to big impact by R Shawn Hunter  2016

The leadership guide to emotional intelligence by Drew Bird  2016

The Trusted Executive: Nine Leadership habits that inspire results, relationships and reputation by John Blakely and Paul Polman 2016

The Right Kind of Crazy by Adam Steltzner and William Patrick  2016

The Art of Authenticity by Karissa Thacker  2016

Leading continuous change by Bill Pasmore  2015

The Brink: How Great Leadership is Invented by Mark Hunter         2015

Leader Evolution: From technical expertise to strategic leadership by Alan Patterson  2014

Leadership Blind Spots by Robert Shaw  2014

A Team of Leaders by Paul Gustabson and Stewart Liff  2014

Becoming your best: the 12 principles of highly successful leaders by Steven Shallenberger  2014

Boundries for Leaders by Henry Cloud  2013

The first 90 days by Michael Watkins  2013

Leadership conversations by Allen Berson and Richard Steiglitz  2013

The 5 levels of leadership by John Maxwell  2013

Leaders Make the Future by Bob Johansen and John Ryan  2012

Leading Change by John Kotter  2012

The Wisdom of Failure: How to learn the tough leadership lessons without paying the price by Laurence Weizimmer and Jim McConoughey  2012

Leadership: the power of emotional intelligence by Daniel Goleman  2011

Innovative Leadership Fieldbook by Maureen Metcalf and Mark Palmer  2011

The truth about leadership by James Kouzes and Barry Pozner  2010

The female vision: Women's real power at work by Sally Helgesen and Julie Johnson    2010

Open leadership: How social technology can transform the way you lead by Charlene Li  2010

Clever: Leading your smartest, most creative people by Rob Goffee  2009

Immunity to change by Robert Kegan and Lisa Laskow Lahey      2009

The Leader of the Future 2: Visions, Strategies and Practices for the new era by Frances Hesselbein and Marshall Goldsmith  2006

The leader of the future from Leader to Leader institute     2006

Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ by Danial Goleman  2005

The Finer point of leadership by Michael Feiner  2005

The Female Advantage by Sally Helgesen  1995

Workplace Culture

New to Big: How companies can create like entrepreneurs, invest like VC's and …. by David Kidder and Christina Wallace  2019

HBR guide for women at work by Harvard Business Review  2019

Brave new work: Are you ready to reinvent your organization by Aaron Dignan      2019 workplace culture

Humanity works: Merging technologies and people for the workforce of the future by Alexandra Lent 2018        

Detonate: Why and How corporations must blow up best practices to survive by Geoff Tuff and Steven Goldsmith  2018

Culture Code by Daniel Coyle  2018

Powerful: Building a culture of freedom & responsibility by Patty McCord   2018

The rebel handbook: World class employee engagement by Glenn Elliot and Debra Corey  2018

Making Work Work by Shola Richards  2016

Leading with Grit by Laurie Sudbrink  2015

On Fire at Work by Eric Chester  2015

The Culture Map by Erin Meyer  2014

Accountability: The key to driving a high-performance culture by Greg Bustin   2014

Decisive by Chip and Dan Heath  2013

The Outstanding Organization by Karen Martin  2012

The female vision: Women's real power at work by Sally Helgesen and Julie Johnson  2010

Carrots and Sticks Don't Work by Paul Merciano  2010

The starfish and the spider by Ori Brafman & Rod Beckstrom  2008

Communication Skills

The Confidence code by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman  2018

The Power of Moments by Chip and Dan Heath  2017

Negotiating the Non-negotiable: How to resolve your most emotionally charged conflicts by Daniel Shapiro  2017

Simply said: communicating better at work and beyond by Jay Sullivan  2016

Give and Take by Adam Grant  2016

Meetings matter: 8 powerful strategies for remarkable conversations by Paul Axtell  2015

Just Listen by Mark Gouston and Keith Ferrazz  2015

Methods of persuation: Use psychology to influence human behavior by Nick Kolenda  2013

Dealing with People you can't stand by Rick Brinkman  2012

360 Degrees of Influence by Harrison Monarth  2011

The language of emotional intelligence by Jeanne Segal  2008

Self Improvement

High Performance Habits by Brendon Buchard  2017

Stretch: Unlock the power of less and achieve more than you ever imagined by Scott Sonenshein  2017

Trust Factor: The science of creating high performance companies by Paul Zak  2017

Emotional Agility by Susan David  2016

Activate your Brain by Scott Halford  2015

Necessary Endings by Henry Cloud  2011

The Talent Code by Daniel Coyne  2009

Critical Thinking, Decision Making and Problem Solving

Farsighted: How we make decisions that matter the most by Steven Johnson  2018

How Women Decide by Therese Huston  2017

Creating great choices: A leaders guide to Integrative thinking by Jennifer Riel and Roger Martin  2017

Stop Guessing: The 9 behaviors of great problem solvers by Nat Greene  2017

Predictive Analytics by Eric Siegel  2016

Performing Under Pressure by Hindine Weisinger and JP Panliw-fry  2015

Risk Savvy: How to make good decisions by Gerd Gigerenzer  2015

Switch (How to change things when change is hard) by Chip Heath and Dan Heath  2010

Predictive Analytics by Eric Siegel          2016

Six Thinking Hats by Edward de Bono  1999

The Thinkers toolkit: 14 powerful techniques for problem solving by Morgan Jones 1998

Product Development

Design for how people think by John Whalen  2019

INSPIRED: How to Create Tech Products Customers Love by Marty Cagan        2017 

The inevitable: Understanding the 12 technological forces that will shape our future by Kevin Kelly  2017

Scaling Up by Verne Harnish  2014

The design of everyday things by Don Norman        2013

Little Bets: How Breakthrough Ideas emerge from small discoveries by Peter Sims  2013

Revolutionizing product development by Stephen Wheelwright  2011

The Talent Masters by Bill Conaty and Rom Charan  2010

Innovation and Creativity

Quirky: the remarkable story of how traits, foibles and genius of breakthrough innovators who changed the world by Mellisa Schilling  2018

How Innovation Really Works by Ann Knott  2017

Innovating: A Doer's Manifesto by Luis Perez-Breva et al  2017

Scale: the universal laws of growth, innovation, sustainability and the pace of life by Geoffrey West  2017

Winning at new products: Creating value through innovation by Robert Cooper  2017

Black Box Thinking by Matthew Syed  2015

Crossing the Chasm 3rd ed by Geoffrey Moore         2014

The Innovator's Method: Bringing the Lean Start up into your Organization by Nathan Furr and Jeff Dyer  2014

Big Bang Disruption by Larry Downer and Paul Nunes  2014

Smaller, Faster, Lighter, Denser, Cheaper by Robert Bryce  2014

The Accidental Creative by Todd Henry  2013

The Chaos Imperative by Ori Brafman and Judah Pollack   2013

101 Design methods: A structured approach for driving innovation in your organization by Vijay Kumar    2012

The Organization and Architecture of Innovation by Thomas Allen and Gunter Henn   2011

The Innovative Leader by Paul Sloane  2007


Build an A team: Play to their strengths and lead them up the learning curve by Whitney Johnson  2018

The Best Team Wins: The new science of high performance by Adrian Gostik and Chester Elton  2018

You are the Team by Michael Rogers  2017

3D Team Leadership by Bradley L. Kirkman and T. Brad Harris  2017

Team Genius by Rich Kerlgaard and Michell Malone  2015

A Team of Leaders: Empowering every member to take ownership by demonstrative initiative and deliver results by Paul Gustavson  2014

Conversational capacity by Craig Weber        2013

Building Team Power by Thomas Kayser  2011

The Emotionally Intelligent Team by Marissa Hughes and James Terrell 2007

Miscellaneous topics

Co-active coaching 4th ed by Karen Kinsey-House  2018

Measure what matters by John Doerr and Larry Page 2018 

Superforecasting by Philip Tetlock and Dan Gardner  2015

Mad Genius: A manifesto for entrepreneurs by Randy Gage    2016

The whole brain business book by Ned Herrmann and Ann Herrmann-Nehdi   2015

The Signal and the Noise: How so many predictions fail but some don't by Nate Silver  2015

Guerilla Marketing by Jay Conrad Levinson et al  2007

Business Strategy

The Anticipatory Organization by Daniel Purvus  2017

Move: How decisive leaders execute strategy despite obstacles, set backs and stalls by Patti Azzarello 2017

Blue Ocean Shift by W Chen Kim and Renee Mauborgne  2017

Anticipate: The art of leading by looking ahead by Rob-Jan De Jong  2015

Do Less Better: The power of strategic sacrifice in a complex world by J Bell  2014

Playing to win: How strategy really works by AG Lafley & Roger Martin  2013 

How the mighty fall and why some companies never give in by Jim Collins  2009

Competitive strategy by Michael Porter 1998 strategy

Jasmine Uyen Le

Marketer | Analyst | Trainer | Value Maker

4 年

This is massive! Thanks Brian! This article instantly goes to my bookmark!



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