"Recommended a solution to solve the trash disposal problem and how to use in a positive way for power generation"
Engr. Hafiz Hussain ,.
Power Systems | Project Management | Energy Efficiency | Renewable Energy | Energy Policy | Member Pakistan Youth Parliament
Management of garbage or garbage waste is a growing problem and a global problem, especially in Pakistan. Often waste production depends on our individual selection, buy high packages equipment, buy unnecessary items, reuse goods, recycle or relocate. Our personal choices are also complicated through expectations and economic policies.
Basically in PAKISTAN generates about to 48.5 million tons of solid waste every year which has been increasing more than 2 percent annually. PAKISTAN lacks waste management infrastructure, creating serious environmental problems. According to the GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN (GOP) estimates that 87,000 tons of solid waste is generated every day and mostly from capital cities of PAKISTAN like as Karachi, Lahore and Faisalabad.
It is a very important point that Karachi, Pakistan's largest city, created 13,500 tonnes of municipal waste day.
In KARACHI, sources of waste include households, commercial areas, institutions, construction and demolition sites, industrial areas and agricultural disposal.
The study revealed that the rate of waste generation on average from all type of municipal controlled areas varies from 0.283 kg/capita/day to 0.163 kg/capita/day or from 1.896 kg/house/day to 4.29 kg/house/day mostly in KARACHI.
The waste stream is everything we throw away:
There are organic materials, such as yard and garden wastes, food wastes, and sewage sludge from treatment plants; junked cars; worn out furniture; and consumer products of all types. Newspapers, magazines, advertisements, and office refuse make paper one of our major wastes.
Many of the materials in our waste stream would be valuable sources if they were not mixed with other garbage. Unfortunately our collecting and dumping processes mix and crush everything together, making separation an expensive and sometimes impossible task.
Q. How can we decrease waste individually or personally??
Waste management methods:
There are four main methods of waste management disposal:
We can reduce any kind of waste or trash respectively when we use these methods:
1) Reuse.
2) Refuse.
3) Recycle.
4) Reduce.
1) Reuse:
Do not throw away the soft drink cans or the bottles; cover them with homemade paper or paint on them and use them as pencil stands or small vases or many things.
2) Refuse:
Instead of buying new containers from the market, use the ones that are in the house. Refuse to buy new items though you may think they are prettier than the ones you already have.
3) Recycle:
Use shopping bags made of cloths or jute, which can be used over and over again.
4) Reduce:
Reduce the generation of unnecessary waste, i.e. carry your own shopping bags when you go to the market and put all your purchases directly into it and also we should can’t use disposable goods: like paper plate, paper bowl, Styrofoam cup, plastic spoon, roll of paper towels, paper napkin; and now if we want to decrease the waste ratio then we should use durable goods: ceramic/ steel plates, steel spoon, glass or steel drinking cup, dish towel, cloth napkin.?
By this method we can collect all type of garbage with separately:
Also dustbins of every type i.e. (metal, plastic, vegetables, rubber, medicines, and other extra mixture of garbage) and remember that these type dustbins fix at every social place, public place societies, and streets, and outside of restaurants. And every dustbin have own tag, which is fixed in front of dustbin. And workers are collect this garbage from these dustbins by trucks or heavy machines and after that this all type of garbage convey their places where we are using this garbage for many processes.
Disposal of wastes:
We can solve the problem of garbage disposal by these three methods:
Disposing of waste in a landfill involves burying the waste, and this remains a common practice in most regions.
Landfills were often established in:
a) Abandoned or unused quarries.
??????b)?Mining voids.
??????c)?Borrow pits.
Main three types of combustion:
??????a) Pyrolysis.
??????b) Gasification.
??????c) Incineration.
a) Pyrolysis:
Basically this process applied to any organic product like, livestock of animals (cows), in this process we can make many types of fuel. Thermal degradation of carbonaceous materials. Lower temperature than gasification. Absence or limited oxygen. In this process we use chemically decomposing organic materials at specific temperature in the absence of oxygen, and under pressure. The process typically occurs at temperatures above 430oC (800oF).?
In this process we can Carbon convert into syngas and also partial oxidation process using air, pure oxygen, oxygen enriched air, or steam.
In Incinerator system these thing are included (refuse banker, feeding hopper, combustion chamber, boiler, after that cleaning system (in cleaning system two things are included: Electrostatic precipitator and other one is Bag house). At the bottom of this system also fix a normal tank where ash is collected). It is a disposal method in which solid organic wastes are subjected to combustion so as convert them into residue and gaseous products. Energy recovery through complete oxidation also called thermal treatment.
In this method we can dumped garbage with very depth in low lying areas. In dumping very most common method is landfill, in this method, a positive trend in landfill management is methane recovery. Methane or natural gas, is a natural product of decomposing garbage deep in a landfill.
By this method we can produce methane gas because earth has very high temperature according to depth. The remainder of the combustible MSW was non-biomass combustible material, mainly plastics. Many large landfills also generate electricity by using the methane gas that is produced from decomposing biomass in landfills.
?Budget for waste collection and disposal of garbage:
According to survey in this area, some people are willingly give per house 200 rupees per month for collecting of garbage. In these areas if we successfully collect 100 rupees per month from each house per 1 KG (One Kilogram) waste (garbage). In these two areas approximately Fifteen Hundred (1500) houses are situated. On the basis of this situation, daily we can collect 1500KG garbage from these two areas. And like same as monthly we can collect 300,000 (three lac).
Budget research and survey:
According to the survey and research we understand that those people live in rural areas are willingly give per house 40 to 60 rupees monthly and in most urban areas people are willingly give up to 100 rupees monthly per house. In fact if we see the population of only Karachi is very impressive and huge amount approximately: The current population of Karachi in 2019 is 15,741,000. If we collect money from every house in Karachi, then we may successful in collecting of a huge amount.
According to the research, if we success in collecting of money or fund from each house which situated in Karachi and when we have to find average according to per house is that 66.6 rupees and then finally a big amount is make that Rs.104,835,060.
In my opinion if we success in this method of collecting of money or fund then may be possible that we can make neat and clean Karachi and as well as whole Pakistan.
First of all, we create a comprehensive network that encompasses advanced disposal management technologies used in European countries and other developed nations. Subsequently, we assemble a team of workers and provide various types of dustbins, including those made of metal, plastic, for vegetables, rubber, medicines, and other miscellaneous garbage. It is crucial to place these dustbins strategically in social areas, public spaces, residential societies, streets, and outside restaurants. Each dustbin should have its own tag, fixed prominently in front. Our dedicated workers will then collect the garbage from these dustbins using trucks or heavy machinery and transport it to designated facilities where we implement state-of-the-art waste management processes.
Generation of Power from Garbage
According to research, there are various ways to generate electricity or energy from trash. In this discussion, I will highlight some important solutions found in these methods:
Burning the waste in waste-to-energy plants not only reduces its volume by 87%, but can also harness its embedded energy and put it to good use.
1)??Mass burning (Thermo) method:
By this method easily we can generate power after some processes; These processes are following:
?Components of this plant:
1. High rated technology cranes (for waste grip and transfer from yard to tanks)
2. All required machinery for this project. (Thermals, heaters, water tubes, furnaces, boilers, turbines, condensers, generators, and grids.
3. Generators for backup.
4. Land wide surface (for fitting of this plant).
Step 1:
First of all we collect all type garbage separate them. Biomass, or biogenic (plant or animal products), materials such as paper, cardboard, food waste, grass clippings, leaves, wood, and leather products.
a. Non-biomass combustible materials such as plastics and other synthetic materials made from petroleum.
b. Noncombustible materials such as glass and metals.?
Step 2:
After that waste transported through the overhead of cranes to the feed hoppers which are connected to the combustion grates and where a controlled temperature of over 1000oC is maintained the resulting combustion gas will exchange heat with boiler water tubes to generate high pressure and high temperature steam.
Step 3:
The steam will feed or rotate the turbine that generate the electricity. The electricity then enters the grid.
Step 4:
The cycle finishes at the air cooling condensers where the exciting turbine stream is back to the resulting water.
Return to the beginning of the process completing in that way closed- loop cycle with zero fluid. . The electricity then enters the grid. And after that this electricity forward to our homes etc.
About 20 percent after burning is non-hazardous bottom ash; some of it is used for cover at landfills to reduce leachate or is landfilled.
Budget Allocation:
?Components for project are highly costly from budget:
- Required land.(out of residential area)
- 12 Million for investment of project from budget of (Government of Pakistan)
- Machinery.
- Plant structure.
- Workforce.
- Construction cost.
- Maintenance cost.
[1]. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE BOOK, William P. Cunningham Mary Ann Cunningham Barbara wood worth saigo.
[2]. (https://www.youtube.com/user/EngineeringTimelines)?
[3]. https://www.slideshare.net/GulshanKumar32/seminar-presentation-ppt-on-solid-waste- management)
[4]. Energy from waste (Paul Breeze)???