Recognizing World Population Day’s Mission at Belden
World Population Day, observed yesterday on July 11, was established by the United Nations to focus attention on the urgency and importance of population issues worldwide. Presently, the population of the world is increasing at a rate of 100 million people every 14 months.
Even before the pandemic, certain parts of the global community lagged behind in access to family planning information and resources. The lockdowns and supply chain disruptions we felt on a global scale only served as an accelerant to issues in countries with rising populations. While some parts of the world are returning to a sense of normal, many of these countries are still locked in an ongoing battle with COVID-19.
This year, World Population Day sought to raise awareness and activism for a number of initiatives, including:
As a global employer and corporate citizen, Belden is an advocate for the health and human rights of people all over the world. We applaud the United Nations for their tireless effort in supporting populations in need.?