Recognizing the Need to Realign: A Guide for Leaders and Founders
La'Kita Williams MSW, CPC
Elevating founders & leaders to #doworkdifferently | Culture Strategist | Leadership Development & Executive Coaching | CEO @cocreatework
Recognizing the Need to Realign: A Guide for Leaders and Founders
Often as leaders, we aim to stay on track all the time.
We review goals, have quarterly check-ins, know when our gut and intuition are telling us something is off…
We know when to correct the course.
In the current work climate, economic situation, and let’s be honest… the world - there’s a lot going on right now that calls for more check-ins than usual and the need to realign more often than not.
As a leader and founder, you might be feeling the tension of making quick decisions based on the economy and market or the frustration of what your next steps can look like in a very uncertain future…
If this has been your current reality for the past few months, I’m sharing a simple guide to help you recognize when to realign areas of your business and leadership, and some next steps for what to do after.
Signs of Misalignment in Business and Leadership
Some common signs of misalignment I see with leaders and founders are:
These are just a few, of course, there may be others that you’re currently experiencing in your company.?
Ok, something is in misalignment, now what?
If you’ve been experiencing one or all of these, it might be time to take a beat and realign your Shared Purpose, Mission, and Principles for you and your team.
Of course, the aim is to stay on track all the time, but life happens and when you notice misalignment, it’s your responsibility to assess and reflect on what could be causing that and take action to change it.
Here are three areas to assess if you notice misalignment.
As the leader and founder of the business, it’s important to take time to self-reflect and assess where things are misaligned in your own personal growth and development.
I always recommend journaling, as it’s a powerful tool to gain clarity amidst any feelings of chaos you might be feeling.
Some areas to journal on are:
Journaling on these questions can help you pinpoint areas where you can bring in external support for your leadership growth and notice if something has gone sideways.?
Team Dynamics
After your self-assessment, think about your team dynamics.
Is there misalignment and lack of synergy within your team? Are there areas that are less efficient? Does your team have the full support and resources they need to do their job effectively?
If team dynamics are misaligned, there are likely several factors that are contributing to this feeling of misalignment.?
The goal here is to help you identify those challenges and create a systems-level solution so you build an inclusive business culture.?
Some areas to assess within your team are:
Take some time to revisit your systems and use this opportunity to also ask for feedback from your team - what or where do they need support?
Assess Your Business Strategy
I understand how frustrating it can be to begin again with a different business strategy - and I also know that as a mission-driven business, you want to do your very best work!
As a company of the future, you know that revisiting your strategy is necessary to continue learning and innovating. During a transition like the one we’re currently living in, regular check-ins to revisit your strategy is extremely important for sustainable growth.
Here are a few areas to assess your business strategy:
Dedicate time this month to look through the data, collect feedback from your team and clients, and see if something needs to be tweaked and updated based on the current direction of the business.
If you are still feeling stuck, a quote that I return to often and share with our clients is this, from Martin Luther King Jr.
“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”
The quote reminds us that we don’t always need to know it all, we can identify our next step and allow things to unfold from there. The pattern and answers will begin to emerge.?
Creating a company of the future is a series of checking in with yourself, your team, and current business input/output.
If you’re recognizing there is tension or friction somewhere in your business and leadership - it’s time to set aside time to realign your purpose, vision, and principles!
The three areas to review are
If you’re looking for support to do that - I’d love to support you in creating a systems-level solution for your business and leadership. Book a consult call with me to discuss how we can co-create this plan together.?
>> Do you need support as a leader to support your business vision? We’d love to co-create an action plan together that helps you bring your vision to life, build an inclusive company culture, and attract your dream team! Schedule a consult call to learn how we can help.
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