Recognizing and Managing Fear Energy and Love Energy in Hard Times
Are You Afraid Sometimes?
Do you go in and out of fear- at least occasionally? Most of us do. In hard times like this pandemic, we may think we “should” be afraid. After all, lots of bad things are happening and there is much we could rationally fear. It’s tricky because fear seems so natural. But it does us no good. We can be highly motivated and take action without the energy of fear.
How to Recognize Fear Energy & Love Energy
[Clue: Go within the body, not the mind!]
The energy of both fear and love is felt as heightened physiological arousal, but in different ways.
Fear—whether from real danger or the anticipation of bad things happening— makes us feel constricted and pulls us out of alignment with our true selves and our higher good, thereby diminishing us.
Our bodies actually feel expanded when we are filled with love energy, giving us a sense of alignment with our true selves.
It’s All Frequency & vibration!
Think of the energies of love and fear as differing in terms of their frequency and vibration. While this may sound like “woo woo” language, the idea that everything is energy and expressed in frequency and vibration is actually a central tenet of quantum physics. Engineer and physicist Nikola Tesla famously said:
“If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”
This is where physics and new age thinking join hands: love vibrates at a high frequency, and fear vibrates at a low frequency. As human beings, we sense and respond differently to love and fear vibrations, even if we don’t know how we do it and science cannot yet fully explain it.
Shifting out of Fear
In the moment of awareness that you are lapsing into fear, one method of shifting states is through interruption:
- take a deep breath
- change your cognition to a better feeling thought
- say to yourself, “Stop!”
- wash your face
- swig some water
- physically move your body
- Become the observer of your inner state
Shifting into Love
Once you move out of fear, then you can shift into the expansive energy of love - even during scary moments. Continue deep breaths. Stay with positive thoughts while acknowledging whatever reality you’re in. Do what needs doing.
It’s not easy. And the more you practice, the more natural it becomes to shift states. When you shift out of fear and into love, you know how good it feels!
It is a Choice
Bottom line, the truth is you always have a choice. As our brains have grown and our prefrontal cortex has evolved to give us greater cognitive power and language—our ability to understand and choose the energy of love has increased.
Between stimulus and response there is space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
Even in hard times, may you choose love.
About Moshe Engelberg PhD, MPH
Dr. Moshe Engelberg is a teacher at heart. As an author, speaker, and consultant, he inspires businesses worldwide to be their best by thinking different, acting courageously, and leading with Love. His newest book, The Amare Wave: Uplifting Business by Putting Love to Work, emphasizes the benefits of choosing love over fear.