Recognizing All of Your Options
megan bovis
ThetaHealer, Flower Essence Practitioner, Biofield Tuning Practitioner Heal through the power of nature and empowerment of your consciousness.
In order to have options, you have to be able to recognize them. Wherever you are willing to look, a new way forward will present itself. The opposite can also be true, that once something is seen and recognized, certain paths can never be taken again.
“Looking at things” and the willingness to develop awareness can be a painful process. I think a lot of times, as children, we are made aware of things through judgement and shaming and our @confidence is torn down as a result. We become aware of new ways in which we are @vulnerable. And the ways in which we learn to manage our vulnerability greatly influences the options we are able to recognize. If we’re lucky enough to learn that it is ok to tell the truth, be honest and that it is a safe way of being more engaged and responsible, our struggles hold much less power over us.? And it becomes much more obvious that those that try to @shame and judge us/others are doing so because they fear their own vulnerability and the way they’ve learned to manage it.
Many of us learn in life that the @truth hurts. But it is also true that when pursued with pure intent, that the truth always lands gently, even when it appears to skew against our favor. There are very few truths with a capital “T”, but when pursued with pure intent, you will encounter the facet that assists you best.
I remember using a @ThetaHealing Technique once, which is taught in the You & Your Inner Circle class. You can ask the Divine what state of being you were acting from in a given moment (child, adult or sage). I had just gotten into an argument with my husband for feeling belittled. We had just stepped into a coffee shop early in the morning and they were already out of pastries. He made a critical comment about it to me. Having been a baker myself and knowing the demands, I tried to defend the shop. I was dismissed in a patronizing way to which I got upset and it ruined our morning. Feeling bad about my actions, I went home and started cleaning probably so that I could feel redeemed. But I soon recognized that it was an opportunity to engage my @wisdom and skill as a @ThetaHealer. So I meditated and asked The Divine, “what would I have done if I were in a sage mindset?” After a second or two, I heard clearly and gently, “you stopped caring.”
I could feel it land gently in my heart and I recognized it as true in an instant. At a certain point, I had stopped caring about my baking job. It was understandable given how burnt out I was, and all the challenges the job presented. Ceasing to care about something may not be admirable, but it was the truth. After allowing the truth to settle into my heart, I went into the other room and explained to my husband that I had stopped caring about my job and that’s why I too would often run out of pastries too early in the day. He responded with, “that’s fair” since he witnessed the challenges of my job and understood where I was coming from. Harmony was restored between us and the day turned into a pleasant one. It took a willingness to see an unflattering truth and the @willingness to be vulnerable to get to a point where we could both be right and move forward with our time together.
While I do not want to dismiss the possibility that revealing oneself in this way can be hurtful depending upon the circumstances, I believe that honesty becomes empowering when we recognize that we are not bound to any one way of being. So do not let anyone tell you or make you believe otherwise. We are capable of transforming and the truth is simply a consequence of new growth. The more you grow, the more you are able to partner with truth to @transform and improve your life.
*This newsletter was written with the guidance of Enchantment Lily flower essence (Delta Gardens)
Manifesting Miracles Coach | Create Empowered & Balanced Living on all levels
1 年This is exactly what i meant?? I love it! ? ??