Recognize a Person's Bad Side

Recognize a Person's Bad Side

First define bad . I would ask myself, what I consider to be bad ?

Only after asking if I myself might be perceived as bad to others. I try not to be judgmental, but rather learn to discern. If you are asking if it’s possible to avoid potentially wasting your life perhaps dating somebody if you could just figure out up front who they really are, the answer is - this is somewhat possible.

 You know by now history repeats itself. If you ask a person “have you ever _________?” and the question pertains to something you just can’t deal with, or refuse to be part of.. And the person says yes.. Well then you already know that they are the type of person perhaps you would consider to be bad .

Now, giving people the benefit of the doubt has its advantages if they have obviously turned over a new leaf, but without time invested - there’s no absolute shortcut to getting into their mind.

People in general, especially ones that suffer from mental illness which cause them to act out in violence, or have tendencies that are self-defeating, dangerous, impulsive, or downright mean, learn to hide things quite well.

Decide if you were them, how you would react, or handle things any differently than they did, or do. Cultural differences, and moral codes blur these lines. There is so much ambiguity in this question I hope this gives you some ideas.

Every people is a human that has both side, good side and bad side, I used to it the nature of human.

The Good side we can find when we life near to him, know him, such this people never angry when someone make mistake to him, or He love to give to the other or he love to help everyone.

There are some examples to judge someone good, and so many others.

The bad side of someone also looked from his behavior. For examples we life near to him he always angry to everyone. When he speak to the others, he always make them bad. He always disturb everyone. He always speaks badly to everybody. and so many other examples.

Human has both side in his life, good or bad. Both according him, what is the most dominant and how he manage it. I believe also, even human has evil as dominant, still he has good heard to show.

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Thank you …..You will never really know who is bad . You have to trust a couple of things;

1.   Your experience

2.   Your intuition

3.   Your knowledge

If you’ve experienced a situation in the past where you were deceived, you will be able to remember certain ques that would send you red flags. It could be from the way they portray themselves to certain gestures and words. But even then, that is not a reliable way of deciding whether someone was evil.

At any point, when meeting someone new, trust your feelings. The person can wear a mask, but at some point, it will slip.

Personally, I object to the word “evil:” it carries many moralistic overtones that can lead to marginalization and worse. That being said, “evil” is also a social construct that is differently interpreted depending on group, history, location, and the dominant value system.

Want to add word or two?  

Nevertheless, there are mental illnesses whose signs and symptoms can fit a notion of “bad ,” like psychopathy, narcissistic personality disorder, and a few others that, unhappily, don’t include the cartoon villain’s hunched snickering and mustache-twirling.

Your comment ….?  

I don't think we can have the knowledge to designate bad or evil PEOPLE. However, bad and evil deeds are an entirely different issue.

And I don't think that what may be often judged as the magnitude of the deed is automatically a definer.

As illustration, I have done many "bad" deeds in my life, some trivial, others decidedly not. But only one that I would actually call evil.

When I was in my 20's, or so, my roommate and I shared a garage apartment behind the home of a very bitter, caustic widow. We sometimes felt like the late "Mr. W." had built this appt. in order to have someplace to escape from his wife.

He and I were members of a rather intense Hindu Temple in the neighborhood, which did a lot of good things. But it was intense, to a somewhat monastic level.

One year, about this time, we as a community were avoiding all sweets - pies, cakes, desserts of any kind (and a few deserts) along with other disciplines. It so happened that one Saturday "Mrs. W." showed up at our door with a chocolate pie she had baked for us. Very, very out of character for her. And citing our fast, I turned her away.

But when I recall her face, and contemplate what I was doing, I really believe that "evil" is the proper word for my action.

The reason for that is that I took her kindness, which was hard for her, and used it as an occasion for self-aggrandizement and putting my own (false) righteousness on display -it would be just silly except that I did it at her expense, and as to what she felt is the last few years of her life, I do not know. I doubt that anything I did was of great importance, but one never knows, and I certainly added rather than eased her burdens - I called her good and kindness bad, and did it in the name of God.

I have no doubt about forgiveness, but I also have no doubt about the accuracy of my description.

Bad and evil have I think a fundamentally different flavor.

Good is what has been prescribed, directed, or required. It is not a matter of favorable outcomes. It is the performance of the commandment.

Righteousness is meeting your obligations. A person who keeps the commandments is considered righteous.

Sin is literally “missing the mark” — a Transgression (going outside of the boundaries).

Iniquity is going your own way, thinking your own thoughts. You are not allowed to think your own thoughts. Evil is generally the opposite or the lack of Good.

Wickedness is evil done consciously and of ones free will.

Note that “good” is both an action (verb) and an outcome (adjective). If you do good, the outcome will be good.

On the other hand, if you do evil, the outcome will be bad. Bad is not so much an action as it is a consequence.

Dayal Ram

Managing Director at DAYALIZE

4 年

As Good is “meeting the standard,” Bad is not meeting the standard. So in context, saying someone is a “bad person” is saying that they do not measure up. Saying someone is an “evil person” is saying that they do not do good. They are related, but “Bad” is an adjective. “Evil” is more of an adverb. “Bad” is what is. “Evil” is what one does.



