Recognize the Influence of Others
Prophet Adrian Ddungu wwwsupernaturalkingdomministriesorg
Principle number eight in our Twelve Principles of Vision is that we must recognize the influence of others on our visions. We need other people if we are going to be successful in life because, as I emphasized earlier, we were not created to fulfill our visions alone. As a matter of fact, God specifically said about His first human creation,
“It is not good for the man to be alone”
(Genesis 2:18). We need people to make it in life. For any vision that you have, God has people prepared to work with you, and they will be a blessing to you.
There will always be a need for positive people in your life. When I went to college, I had a dream to get my degree, and there were people who already had been set apart to help me graduate. Some of them helped me academically, others financially, and others with encouragement in my spiritual walk. When you have a dream, that’s the way it works. People will always be there, waiting to help you. Therefore, if you have no dream, or if you do not begin to act on it, the people who are supposed to help you won’t know where to find you.
The principle of influence has a twofold application, however, because people can have a negative effect on us as well as a positive one. When you begin to act on your vision, it will stir up both those who want to help you and those who want to hinder you. This is why you must learn to recognize the influence of those around you.
Prayer: Father, thank You for bringing people across my path to be a positive influence on my life and vision. Help me to recognize them so I may benefit from their help. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Thought: There will always be a need for positive people in our lives.
Reading: Jeremiah 32–33; Hebrews 1