Recognizable Value
Bliss Green
Being resourceful is our superpower. We provide solutions for writing, publishing, and procurement.
“Find a penny, pick it up, and all day, you’ll have good luck!"
Long ago I read a book that was entitled, “You’re Broke Because You Want to Be” by Larry Winget. The title fascinated me. In his book he spoke of “The Penny Energy”. He used this reference to describe our relationship and attitude toward money in our lives. The question asked was how do you treat pennies? His theory is that the answer to this question will often parallel to our relationship with our money. Those that cherish the cent, will likely cherish their savings, business, and prosperity. Those that walk by a penny, may treat their bank account the same way.
When I read this, I was obsessed with the notion. I began thinking to myself, "Where is all this money that is all around us? Where? Where is it? Please someone tell me!!! Was is really possible that everyday I could discover and receive money? Was I looking for it? Was I expecting it? Was I preparing to receive this money? Was I grateful and excited to receive the coin? It sounded so simple. Why was I missing these opportunities? " That moment changed my life. It was a defining moment where I realized that the energy of abundance and opportunity was possible for me, I was just not expecting it because I didn't believe it possible for myself.
In present day, there is rarely a day that goes by that I don’t find a coin, or multiple denominations of money. I am grateful that I’ve been awakened to the possibility that money is laying around waiting for me to pick it up. For each coin I take into my possession, I give thanks for its multiplicity and opportunity. Recently, I was at a red light, about to get on the freeway. I noticed there was a discarded pile of metal, glass, and wreckage next to the concrete curb. The first thought that came to me was," I bet there is a penny in there." Three seconds later, I saw it! I jumped out and grabbed it. It was unrecognizable. As a matter of fact, I tussled with the idea that I had just picked up a piece of wreckage. It was dark,nasty, and dirty. It was worn, hammered, and defaced. I thought to myself, think of all the people who just walked by this penny because they did not recognize it. In this moment, I had an epiphany. I began to ask myself questions.
What opportunities am I dismissing because I can’t readily identify their value?
Are there resources I’m unaware of?
Do I make my value readily recognizable to my clients and business partners?
The idea stuck with me as I held the penny in my hand driving down the road. Once I arrived. I cleaned the penny and tried my best to decipher its etchings. I had no such luck. However, I was overwhelmed with the thought that this penny is no less valuable. It made me curious, and I researched valuable pennies. In fact, there could be enormous value in a coin's metallic composition, its origin year, and what was imprinted on its unrecognizable face.
As I had this epiphany to search harder for miracles, money and magic in the world, I want to challenge you to do the same. The next time you are in discovery of an opportunity, relationship, sales pitch, property purchase, home loan financing, or possibly even just a new friend, take the time and realize all things have value. People have even greater value than we are willing to assign them. Please consider that if you look closer, and deeper, you may even discover that you are in possession of an unrecognized opportunity of enormous value. Better yet, go search for one such opportunity. If you seek it, you are sure to find it!
Above and beyond an accountable lending experience, the value that I extend to my clients and business partnerships is in my network of relationships. Not only do I work hard to be one of the highest quality home lenders in my industry, I work equally as hard to make sure that my clients are served in all aspects of their lives. I work with quality professionals that can assist my clients and partners with the same level of priority and concern that I extend. When people refer me, my creativity and resourcefulness is the recognizable value they are referring. If you are search of a lender like me; I’d love to add value to your future, in 50 states!
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