Recognising your strengths.
Kez Wickham St George
Multipublished , Multi-Gold Awardwinning #1 Best selling Author. Speaker #KezPublishing #kezmentor #kezbookreviews
Okay you may think this is a bit silly, but its time for a very heartfelt ?? thank you to Rockingham Library WA for the wine & cheese night they gave me as thier writer in residance last night. The attendance was great, one of the bigger ones this year, so I was told. The audiance participation amazing. i spent an hour and a half sharing and advising others on how to be an author. Yes I sold books and yes they enjoyed them selves or so i was lead to believe. The biggest thrill of the night and this may sound silly, was when two women,complete strangers with my books tucked under thier arms that they had borrowed from the library last week. They had seen the night advertised and attended, so they could meet me personally. However, what tweaked the heart strings was, I finally realised that the public were reading my words. Compete strangers were enjoying what i had written, my books are being read, and loved. So happy & so grateful. Of course there is no I in team, a thank you to Picardie press for the amount of effort they put into publishing my books.