Reclaiming Your Life by Choosing Happiness with Dr. Elia Gourgouris

Reclaiming Your Life by Choosing Happiness with Dr. Elia Gourgouris

Happiness is not a passive state but an active choice that involves intentional actions and mindsets. However, we tend to cling more to survival due to external pressures, internal conflicts, and harmful habits. But what if I told you that there’s a way you can break free from these negative patterns and reclaim your life??

In this article, Dr. Elia Gourgouris, America’s Happiness Doctor, shares tips on how to reclaim your life by making positive choices that foster better emotional, mental, and spiritual health.?

“Almost everyone, in their last dying breaths, just wishes they let themselves be happy and everybody else be happy. Let's not have that regret. Let's choose happiness rather than pursue happiness.”?– Ashish Kothari

The seven paths to lasting happiness

Choosing happiness isn't as easy as just deciding to be happy. What happens in our lives, how our brains work, what we're taught, and what we've experienced can influence our choices. In that case, how can we reclaim our lives? While happiness isn't always a simple choice, it's often a matter of cultivating intentional actions, such as Dr. Elia’s seven paths to lasting happiness:

  1. Self-Care: You can’t pour from an empty cup. Prioritize your well-being. Whether it's getting enough sleep, eating well, or taking time to unwind, self-care is non-negotiable. Start treating yourself like you matter—because you do.
  2. Gratitude: Stop focusing on what’s wrong and start noticing what’s right. Gratitude isn't just saying thank you; it’s about appreciating the little things. Your morning coffee, the sunshine, a friendly smile—acknowledge them. The more grateful you are, the happier you’ll feel.
  3. Forgiveness: Forgive others—and yourself. Self-forgiveness is crucial. We all make mistakes, but carrying that guilt around like a heavy backpack isn’t doing you any favors. Lighten your load and let your grudges go.
  4. Living with Purpose: Find what makes you tick. Whether it’s your job, a hobby, or volunteering, living with purpose means doing what gives your life meaning. When you’re aligned with your purpose, happiness follows naturally.
  5. Spirituality: Connect with something bigger than yourself. This isn’t about religion; it’s about feeding your spirit. Nurturing your spiritual side helps keep you grounded and at peace.
  6. Healthy Relationships: Cut the toxic connections and surround yourself with people who uplift and support you. Happiness is contagious, but so is negativity. Choose your circle wisely.
  7. Kindness: Be kind, not because you expect something in return, but because it makes you feel good. A small act of kindness can brighten someone’s day—and yours too. Kindness is free, and it pays back in happiness dividends.

We can't always control our circumstances, but we can often choose how we respond to them. This is what choosing happiness means. It's knowing that life won’t always be easy, but we can acknowledge our mistakes, learn from them, and move forward with compassion and understanding. In other words, choosing happiness takes a whole lot of self-forgiveness.

The importance of self-forgiveness

We’ve always been harsh self-critics, constantly berating ourselves for our flaws and shortcomings. We often think of self-forgiveness as condoning harmful actions, and society has ingrained the thinking that we must always be perfect and that mistakes are shameful. How can we reclaim our lives and choose joy if we keep holding onto that guilt and self-blame?

“Self-forgiveness is the ultimate act of self-compassion. If you don’t practice self-forgiveness, you wake up every morning carrying the weight of your regrets, like a backpack full of rocks.” – Dr. Elia Gourgouris

Think of your past mistakes as a heavy backpack. Carrying that weight around can be exhausting and slow you down. Self-forgiveness is like tossing that backpack overboard. It doesn’t mean you forget your mistakes or absolve yourself of responsibility. It just means you’re no longer letting them hold you back.?

The day to forgive yourself once and for all! It’s time to give yourself the permission to move forward.

How to choose happiness every day

Life and happiness are as much about what we remove from it as what we add. If you want to reclaim your life by choosing happiness, it starts with building key habits into your routine. Here are the top ways you can choose happiness every day:

  • Spirituality: Connect with something greater than yourself. Feed your spiritual self through prayer, meditation, or just time in nature. This will keep you grounded and help you find peace amid the chaos.
  • Mindfulness: Start the day with quiet reflection. I like to begin my mornings with a cup of tea and a few pages from a spiritual or philosophical text. It is so important to start your day with some words of wisdom that you can keep front of mind. It sets a calm, positive tone for the day ahead and reshapes your perspective.
  • Gratitude Walks: Dr. Elia takes his time each day for an intentional “gratitude walk.” Do this and notice the beauty around you—the sky, the trees, the little things we often overlook. Use this time to express gratitude for the present moment. Trust me, it’s hard to stay in a bad mood when you’re busy appreciating the world around you.

  • Acts of Kindness: Whether it’s a smile, a compliment, or helping someone out, small acts of kindness not only brighten someone else’s day but boost your happiness too. ?Dr. Elia says the antidote to feeling down is to look around and help somebody else. When you come back from that act of service, your whole perspective changes.

By choosing these small, meaningful habits, you’re not just getting through the day—you’re reclaiming your life by choosing happiness every step of the way.


Choosing happiness is a powerful way to reclaim your life. While it may sound simple, it's a conscious decision that requires effort and practice. Happiness is all about our daily choices: self-care, gratitude, forgiveness, kindness, living with purpose, spiritual connection, and building healthy relationships. Which path will you start with today?

Alex Raymond

Account Management Expert, Host of The Conscious Entrepreneur Summit, Techstars alum & startup mentor

3 周

Great one. I love Elia Gourgouris Ph.D.’s work!

Talisa (Tee) Gula-Yeast, MS,NBC-HWC

Transformative Change Leader | Lean Six Sigma | Nationally Board Certified-Health & Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC) | American Council on Exercise Personal Trainer (ACE-PT) | Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC)

3 周

Thanks for posting this. I am grateful I am part of the REWIRE program at the City of Fort Collins. I love being part of the Happiness Squad. Dr. Elia’s seven paths to lasting happiness are amazing. I struggle with self-forgiveness. My inner critic is loud. I am curious about what other people are working towards on this list from Dr. Elia. ??

Hugo Mendez

??Men 40+: Unlock Your Best Body. Lose 10-30 Lbs And Build Strength Without Diets or Gyms Visits | Former Corporate Marketer Turned Nutrition & Kettlebell Coach

3 周

This post reminded me of Victor Frankl's philosophy. The choice is ours, Ashish Kothari

Teresa Roche

Human Resources Executive for the City of Fort Collins (CHRO) /Be present, stay conscious, act compassionately.

3 周

Thank you. The REWIRE program at the City of Fort Collins is going well! Thank you!


