Reclaiming MLK Day of Service: From Perpetuating Harm to Honoring the Legacy

Reclaiming MLK Day of Service: From Perpetuating Harm to Honoring the Legacy

"We do it because we are supposed to." "We get the most volunteers this day, but they never come back." "I get anxious about navigating this day."? "It's clear the legacy doesn't matter anymore."?

These are real sentiments about MLK Day of Service and the feelings provoked by corporate group leaders, volunteer engagers and community members. Over time, the legacy is reduced to quick-fix volunteer offerings, t-shirts and awards, white savior practices, and high-fives of temporary accomplishments without sustainability and community voice. How can we shift this day of service to honor and not harm? In this Voices, Breauna Dorelus, MPA shares her thoughts on the day, what it means for the day's legacy to spark co-dreaming, and her partnership with United Way of King County as they reimagined their MLK Day approach.

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